Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mia's Birth Story- Part 1

After linking up with Kelly's Korner yesterday about when we revealed to our parents that we were pregnant with Mia, I decided that it's about time that I put Mia's birth story on here.  I wasn’t blogging when Wesley first started this blog.  Wesley was in charge of it throughout my pregnancy with Mia because I barely knew what a blog was.  I was reading through those old blog posts, and it made me want to write down everything I can remember from Mia’s birth.  I know that over time I will forget a lot of the details.  It was such a huge event in our lives, and I don’t want to forget.  Plus, I’d like to get the blog printed into book form someday, and I think this would be a nice addition to it.  I'll just have to put it on several different posts since it's kind of long.

            Let’s see…my original due date from Dr. Larue was set for February 1st, 2009.  I was surprised by that because I thought Mia would be a January baby.  I didn’t care, though.  I was just super excited to meet her.  January 24th was a Saturday and also my company’s Christmas party. Yes, it was a month late, but that’s another story.  I had every intention of going.  Even though I was almost 39 weeks pregnant, I had bought a new outfit and was planning to be there.  Some people talk about having a burst of energy before giving birth, but for me it was the opposite.  I became so tired that afternoon that I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the party was already going.  Oh well, forget it.  Wesley was working nights, so I sat up in bed for awhile reading after he left for work.  I was reading Twilight and really enjoying it.  I was getting close to the end, so I decided I would just finish it.  I figured that it was Saturday evening, and I would get to sleep in the next morning anyway.  I finished the book right at midnight.  I was pretty tired, so I decided to tell Amelia goodnight and go to sleep.  I knew that she was still awake in her warm little cocoon.  She was always head down at every check up so her feet were always stuck up in my ribcage.  Every night while I rested my book on my belly and read, she would kick at the book as if to say, “Hey Mommy! Get that thing off of me!” The next day was January 25th which is my brother's birthday.  I patted my belly and said to her, “Now, Uncle Tyler’s birthday is tomorrow.  I know it’s a few days early, but if you want to make your entrance tomorrow, that would be okay.  I’m sure Uncle Tyler wouldn’t mind sharing his birthday with you.”  She gave my hand a little kick in response.  I turned the light out, rolled onto my side, and immediately went to sleep.

            Two hours later, at 2:00am, I sprang out of bed from a dead sleep when there was a huge gush of water.  Well, I sprang as well as a hugely pregnant woman can spring.  There was zero doubt in my mind that my water had broken.  It just kept coming.  I guess I thought that I would immediately start feeling contractions like the women in the movies.  Honestly, I didn’t feel a thing.  That was the weird part.  My plan was to stay at home for as long as possible until the pain became too intense.  I thought it would be nice to be in my quiet house rather than in a busy hospital.  I called Wesley at work because I knew that he would want me to call him immediately.  I told him that he didn’t have to rush home.  I said that he could finish his shift (til 6:00 am) if he wanted because I wasn’t feeling a thing.  We hung up and I went about packing my hospital bag and making sure that the diaper bag was ready.  Wesley called me back very shortly and said that he was coming home.

My mom had told me to call her at any hour when I went into labor, so I gave her a ring.  My parents live four and a half hours away, so I knew that it would be awhile before anyone would get here.  My mom asked me exactly what had happened.  When I told her that my water had broken, she said that you’re supposed to go to the hospital very soon after that happens.  I was in no hurry, but I called the on call doctor for my ob/gyn’s office to make Mom happy.  It turns out my mother was right, as usual.  Dr. Patton (the on call doctor that evening) said that it is important to deliver a baby within 24 hours of the water breaking because the fluid level can get too low as well as there is an increased risk of infection.  She said to come on in to the hospital.  That was a bummer.  So much for staying at home as long as possible.  I decided I wouldn’t get in any big hurry.  I took a shower and put on clean clothes.  We stopped by Jack in the Box for some breakfast on the way to the hospital.  I savored my bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit and my orange juice.  It was about 5:30 am, and I knew that they wouldn’t let me eat once I was admitted to the hospital.  Haha, score one for me!  

Now look at her, she's trying to text!

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