Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Little of This and That

Mia has discovered that Netflix is on the computer.  She has a growing interest in the show Madeline.  That show is super old.  I remember watching it when I was really little.  The great cartoons are good at any age.
A friend asked to borrow Mia's baby swing for her brand new baby boy (who is super cute!).  Mia saw it sitting in our living room and wanted to swing in it so bad.  She is always being told that she is too little to do things, so it's almost like she doesn't believe us when we tell her she's too big for something.  I'm glad that thing has a pretty decent weight limit.  I doubt that they intended for 2 1/2 year olds to use it.
Mia has been wanting to wear her princess crown the last few days.  I caught her sitting on the sofa with Ann and watching Dumbo while wearing her crown and necklaces.  Such a princess!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little Songbird

Mia wanted me to record her singing some songs this evening.  That's unusual because I typically have to talk her into it.
First on tonight's program is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Next, she wanted to show how good she's getting at her ABCs.

And finished up with her rendition of Itsy Bitsy Spider

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lunchbox Yumminess

I love the Easy Lunchboxes I got for Mia.  It makes putting her lunch together so much easier.  I don't have to wonder if all of her lunch containers will make it home (since I usually send three or four small ones).  I think it's helped me to be a better judge of portion size for her as well. 
Chicken nuggets, rice cakes, graham cookies, corn, and strawberries

Mac and cheese, pretzels to dip in hummus, blueberries, and grapes

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cereal bar, veggie crisps, and grapes
Leftover spaghetti, green beans, yogurt, peanut butter crackers, and apple slices

Ham and cheese croissant, rice cakes, trail mix, carrots, blueberries, and watermelon

Of course, Mia would be just as happy eating straight from the box...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jack

Mia went to her first Major League baseball game last night.  We went over to Arlington to see the Texas Rangers take on the Seattle Mariners.  Wesley, Darvey, and I took turns holding her throughout the game since she doesn't like to stay still.  She had so much fun!  She kept squealing and giggling.  Very early on in the game, Adrian Beltre hit a home run.  When Mia saw the rest of us get excited, she got really excited, too.  Her favorite part was the home run fireworks.  A little while later when one of the Rangers was getting ready to bat, I said to Mia "Okay, let's see if he hits it."  She replied, "Maybe the fireworks will go!"  We had a nutritious dinner of popcorn and cheese fries.  When you're at the ballpark, you gotta eat ballpark food.  We had grilled chicken for dinner tonight, so it all evens out, right?  Mia was in a good mood for the whole game except when Craig Gentry hit an in the park home run.  Everyone stood up and started shrieking when they realized he was going to make it home.  It scared Mia, and she started crying.  When things quieted down a little bit, she was fine.  She wanted to know all of the ball players' names.  She would point to different ones and ask what his name was.  One time she said, "What's his name?  The one in the circle?"  I laughed and told her that was the pitcher.  She cheered and clapped a lot.  Today, she asked if we could go to the ball game again.  I'm glad that she enjoyed it so much.
Clapping excitedly when Josh Hamilton hit a home run
 She sure does love her Uncle Darvey


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Out for a Walk

The weather is so beautiful today that we took a walk after dinner.  Before we left, Mia ran into her room and came back with her bathing suit.  She really wanted to wear it, so I let her.  She also had an arm load of toys to take, but I talked her down to just taking one baby doll.  It's really starting to feel like autumn!
Mia had a pretty good fall at daycare yesterday.  They called me to say that she had been twirling in her classroom (she does that a lot - ballerina craze) when she tripped and fell.  She cut the corner of her mouth, scratched her cheek, and got a gash in her chin.  The daycare asked me to come by and look at it.  They didn't think she needed stitches, but they wanted me to make that decision.  I'm very thankful that I now work only five minutes from Mia's daycare.  I went by and decided she just needed some of the liquid bandaid.  She wasn't happy that it stung when I put it on, but I had some M&M's at the ready.  She felt better in no time.  She hasn't complained of it hurting.  I think it'll heal up just fine.  Hence, the HK bandaid on her chin.
Mia started getting tired, so Wes carried her for a little bit.  She gets heavy after awhile, so he put her down and told her she needed to walk part of the way home (it really wasn't very far).  She then put her baby doll on the ground.  She told her that she was too heavy and needed to walk.  Haha!  I convinced her that she had to carry the baby doll home because her doll didn't have any shoes on.  She said okay because she didn't want the doll's feet to get dirty!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zoo with Zoey

Mimi and Nanny wanted to take Zoey and Mia to the Dallas Zoo this weekend, so we loaded up and went.  It was Z's first trip to the zoo.  We went to the children's zoo first.  It was really something.  There was a stream in the center of the children's zoo that the kids can play in.  Mia took off her shoes and went right in.  Half of her was soaked in no time.  Mimi also walked in it with Zoey.  Both girls really enjoyed it.  Next, they each went on a pony ride.  It was a first for both of them, and they seemed to really like it.  Mia fed some fish and wanted to go in to pet the goats.  She was having fun until she realized that she was stepping on goat poop.  The novelty immediately wore off, and she was ready to move on.  We all had a little lunch and then went to check out some of the more exotic animals.  Mia loved it as always and had plenty to comment on.  I think Z liked it.  She kept gasping and pointing at the animals.  I loved how excited she got when she saw something new.  Mia capped off the afternoon with a couple of turns on the carousel while Zoey slept in her stroller.  It was a little warm that day, but we loved spending it with family!

Wordless Wednesday: Story time with Nanny

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cooler Temps...Finally!

On Saturday, we took Mia over to east Dallas to check out a used bookstore we haven't been to before.  We don't usually buy books new unless we see something we don't want to wait to find second-hand.  Half Price Books is usually our go-to bookstore, but you never know what gems you'll find at the small local bookstores.  This place had so many books that it was overwhelming.  I found a book that has been on my reading list for half price, and I got Mia some basically brand new Dr. Seuss books.  Six books for about $25.  Love it!  I saw the same books at Wal-Mart for $9 a piece...uh, no thanks.  Mia loves to look at books.  We read to her all of the time.  If we aren't available, she'll just start reading them to herself and making up a story to go along with the pictures.  Last night I read her five stories at bedtime.  My voice was starting to get a little hoarse by the fifth book.

After the bookstore, we drove to downtown Dallas to the Main Street Garden park.  They have a small fountain area that you can walk through if you want.  The park is free, and it was HOT outside (still over 100 degrees), so we put on Mia's bathing suit and let her run around.  She had fun, but we never could get her to run all of the way through the fountain.

Today, the weather has been heavenly!  Mia and I took a walk this morning, and it's only 70 degrees outside with a cool breeze!  We had a great walk with Mia calling, "Hi!" and "Good morning!" to everyone we saw.  She thought she had to pick up all of the neat things she came across.  By the time we got home, we had five pecans, two sticks, a leaf, and an acorn.  Mia said that the acorn looked like a cupcake.