Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Happy Baby at 25 Weeks

Beary Cute

I took Quinn and Mia to Heavener this weekend for my sister's baby shower.  She will be having a baby girl next month.  It felt like such a quick trip because we were busy the entire time.  The drive up there (and back) took soooo long.  I like it when Wes drives and I nap.  That works for me much better.  Thankfully, we got to spend a little time with my dad and aunt while we were there, too.  Quinn and Mia had such a good time with them.  Mia just eats up all of the attention from my dad.  Q had fun too, and was all smiles and giggles while we were there.  There did come a point, though, where he got a little fussy.  I realized that he had been held most of the day since he'd been passed around a lot at the baby shower.  He loves to spend time in the floor where he can stretch out and roll.  My dad suggested letting him lay on the bear skin rug.  It's from a bear my dad got when he went bear hunting in Canada a few years back.  Mia wanted to know where it came from, so my dad tried to explain.  Mia then started asking dad about all of the different animals he could shoot and turn into rugs.  She was certain that he could make a rug out of a spider or a shark (both animals that she deemed "mean" although I later tried to explain to her that they aren't mean just dangerous).  I grew up in a family where hunting is the norm, but we still value animal life and don't want to promote negative feelings from kids.  Hopefully, Mia won't want Dad to shoot every animal that spooks her.
The mommy-to-be with her second baby girl
 Zoey is excited about her baby sister coming soon!

Quinn with the bear at 24 weeks old
Mia used the bear as a drawing table
 Q really wanted to get his hands on the bear skull, but Papaw kept it just out of reach.

Pretty as a Picture

My friend, Julie, took some amazing pictures of Mia and Quinn this fall.  They started out as Quinn's newborn pictures.  She only got a few of those because neither of the kids was into posing that day.  She also took the pictures for our Christmas card as well as Q's 3 month pictures.  In all of the blur of the holidays, I didn't get around to posting any of them.  Julie always takes beautiful pictures.  Now, which ones to frame?
Quinn and Mia for his newborn pictures

 He really wasn't into it

Christmas card photo shoot

Q's 3 month pictures


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Heart Day

I like to do crafty things.  There.  I said it.  Please take into consideration that I didn't say I was any good at being crafty.  I just enjoy it.  I was a little late on the trolley in exploring all of the interesting ideas that Pinterest has to offer, but oh my.  It's a buffet of craftiness.  My boards are chock full of ideas that made me think, "I could totally do that".  However, despite the many pins I've added to my boards, I realized that I had yet to actually attempt any of them.  I plan to attempt at least one pin per month this year.  (I'm hoping that if I make this declaration on the blog, that I'll stick to it.)  January's pin was for the octopus cake pops I made for Mia's birthday party.  Mine didn't look like the picture I pinned, but I was okay with that.  Despite my best efforts to channel Bakerella, I seriously struggle with cake pops.  My candy melts are always too thick to coat well.  By the time I started trying to decide the best way to construct the legs of my octopus creations, I was severely low on time to finish them.  We needed to be leaving for Mia's party, so I just quickly did the best I could with a toothpick.  I scold myself each year for running around like a crazy person the day of the party to finish everything, but alas, it always happens.  I have the best intentions to be well organized and not take on so many projects, but who am I kidding?  I know I'll do it again next year.  My wish is for Mia (and Quinn) to have memorable birthdays with the people they love.  That could certainly be accomplished without my alter ego "The Party Nazi", but I must admit that it's a title I readily accept.  Haha!  Maybe as I get older I'll be a more efficient party planner.  We'll see. ;)

I made Mia's valentines for her class based on a Pinterest idea.  I took a picture of her with her fist held out in front.  I then used a template on the Walgreens website and had them print off Valentine's Day cards.  They were (of course) on photo paper which was perfect to work with.  That evening, I used a box cutter (because my exacto knife had sprouted legs and ran away apparently) to cut a slit at the top and bottom of Mia's fist in the pictures.  Mia picked out a sucker for each of her classmates and made sure that I put the correct child's name on each valentine.  I wasn't aware that she recognized each child's name by sight, but she impressed me by pointing to her friends' names one by one and telling me which friend would like cherry, orange, etc.  Mia also wanted to help insert the lollipop stick into the valentines.  I let her because after all they were her valentines, and I love that she likes to do craft projects with me.  We had a couple that ripped when she got a little over eager and shoved the stick too hard, so I was glad I had ordered a few extra.  I was really pleased with the way they turned out!

I wanted to make valentines for Quinn's class too, but I couldn't find a template on the Walgreens site that I liked to go with the picture of him I took.  That is really too bad because  His Valentine's picture is beyond adorable.  I might have to put a framed 8x10 of it on display at his wedding someday.  It might embarrass him as an adult, but I can pretty much guarantee that his future wife will adore it.  Haha!  I saw a similar picture on Pinterest.  Unfortunately, I can't find that picture on my boards now and can't find it on Pinterest.  I'll add the link on here later if I can find it.  Mine doesn't look nearly as polished or professional, but I just worked with what I had around the house to recreate it and borrowed the bow tie from a friend.  I can't look at that picture without smiling.  :)

Pinterest cake pops
Octopus cake pops 
My cake pops

Pinterest valentine
valentine's day 
Mia's valentine

 Sweet girl
 My little valentines

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Precious Boy

Quinn is growing and changing almost every day.  He now rolls from his back to his tummy like a pro.  He's rolled from tummy to back a couple of times, too.  He's doing really well sitting up in the Bumbo and jumperoo and loves to grab and chew on his toys.  I love to hear him laugh and will do just about any silly thing I can think of to get him to do it.  He's also growling now.  Mia is a little perplexed by it, but I told her it's one of the ways he's learning to talk.  Quinn is such a content and happy baby.  He'll play on his playmat or sit in the Bumbo just as happy as can be.  I tell him all of the time that he is a delightful child.  He just grins and slobbers.  Sometimes his cuteness is too much.  Just look at him.  Don't you just want to hug and kiss his adorable little self?
Quinn at 19 weeks

Q at 20 weeks old.  This is one of my new favorite pictures of him.  He looks a little mischievous.

Quinn at 21 weeks old

Q at 22 weeks

 Quinn at 23 weeks old