Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Indian and a Pilgrim

Today was the Thanksgiving program/lunch at the kids' daycare.  They decided to do it early because of schedule conflicts.  When I arrived, I immediately found Quinn who was donning a pilgrim's hat.  His teacher was holding him, so I left him with her.  I didn't want him to start crying when I would have to give him back to take pictures of Mia.  He's currently the youngest baby at the daycare, so as you might imagine...he was asleep.  Mia's class was dressed like Indians.  I use that term loosely because they had sponge painted different kinds of shapes onto their shirts.  Mia proudly pointed out that one of her shapes was a pink monkey.  Not sure where her tribe is supposed to be from!  The younger classes didn't participate in their Thanksgiving songs much while onstage.  Mia's class was more outgoing, though.  They walked confidently onstage and began exclaiming, "There's my mommy!  Hey, there's your daddy!"  They weren't shy at all.  She and her classmates did great singing their song.  Afterwards, I stayed to have lunch with her.  It's fun to break up the work day with a visit to see my kiddos.

Another Blue-Eyed Baby

Quinn is 9 weeks old this week.  He is more willing to give out smiles now.  That little smile of his just melts me.  I can just sit and watch him sleep.  He's so peaceful.  One way that I know he's in a deep sleep is when he has one or both arms slung up over his head.  For some reason, that is how he is most comfortable and relaxed.  This morning he was getting restless laying on my bed while I was getting ready in the bathroom.  Mia came into the bedroom, and I asked her to go sing him a song.  Quinn loves music.  LOVES IT.  It can be just instrumental, singing, or even humming.  He loves to sit and listen to it.  He immediately quieted down and watched her with that wide-eyed look of his.  She proceeded to sing every song she could think of including Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Bingo.  When she ran out of songs, I started making suggestions, so she took requests.  She sang her Indian song for the Thanksgiving program at school as well as her ABC's and Happy Birthday.  Quinn loved it.  She kept running into the bathroom to tell me each time he smiled at her.  I told her that he was smiling because he loves her.  She said, "Yeah, and when I make fishie faces at him, he smiles, too!"

I know that they could still change, but I feel fairly certain that Quinn's eyes will stay blue.  Since we both have hazel eyes, we were surprised when Mia ended up with blue eyes.  I figured the odds of another blue-eyed baby were pretty low, but that's what we got.  Mia's eyes are a pretty light blue.  Quinn's baby blues are a darker blue.  They are the exact same shade of blue as my dad's eyes. 

It's sweet to hear how Mia talks to Quinn.  On the way home from daycare today, I turned up the radio a bit to hear a song I liked.  From the back seat I heard her ask Quinn, "Is that too loud, sweetheart?  It's okay.  The song is almost over, sweetheart."  Quinn wasn't crying, so I'm not sure why she thought he didn't like it. 

Quinn has been going to daycare for a week now.  I'm back at work, too.  It's been hard being away from him.  I miss him and Mia all day.  He's been doing fine there.  He's had no problems with all of the noise of the daycare and other crying babies.  Mia had him conditioned to a loud environment already!

First day of daycare last Thursday

 Quinn at 9 weeks old

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Wednesday was a fun day for Mia.  The daycare was having Halloween parties as well as trick or treating in the church offices.  Mia got to wear her Little Red Riding Hood costume all day, so she was stoked.  She ditched the red cape fairly quickly, though.  She said it was itchy.  It was my last day home with Quinn, so he and I spent the day at home just taking it easy.  That afternoon, I dressed Quinn in his tiger costume and took him and Mia over to some friends' house.  We had quite the group with six kids and their parents.  The neighborhood we went to is one of the best to trick or treat in.  They block off the streets, so that parents don't have to worry about kids darting out into traffic.  It becomes totally a pedestrian area which was great.  Quinn slept the whole time as usual, but he was so adorable!  Mia was a cute Little Red Riding hood, too.  This was the first year that we have taken her door-to-door at Halloween.  This year I thought she was finally old enough.  She loved it and at one point shrieked, "I love candy!" while going down the sidewalk with her friends Pearson and Reese.
Adorable baby tiger at 8 weeks old

Sleepy tiger
Mia and Pearson hiding under the furniture.  They were trying to eat more candy undetected by their parents.  Little stinkers!

Hometown Weekend

We went to our hometown last weekend to introduce Quinn to everyone who wasn't able to come to Dallas yet to see him.  On Friday, we took Mia and Quinn to their first high school football game.  My cousin is in the marching band at her high school, so we went to watch them perform the halftime show.  Her high school has a great football team, and they were a lot of fun to watch.  I wanted to take pictures, but it was too cold for my frozen fingers to get out the camera.  We had Quinn so bundled up that people probably thought we were holding a two-year-old under all of those layers.  We had a great time and were glad that they won.

As usual, I didn't take too many pictures while we were in our hometown.  I have such a good time seeing everyone that I tend to slack off on the picture-taking when we're there.  On Sunday, we went to my cousin Shayna's 16th birthday party.  Love her and my other cousin, Kaylee!  Such sweet little ladies who I'm very proud of.  I love that family get-togethers can often result in seeing a friend or family member who I haven't seen in a long time.  My Papa's brother, Uncle Glenn, was there with his wife, Aunt Lavelle.  It's been a long time since I'd seen them, so I'm glad that they came.  The weekend flew by, but we got to see lots of people we love and introduce Quinn to our families!

Aunt Lavelle and Quinn
The birthday girl with her cake
Quinn and Shayna
My nephew, Connor, trying to avoid the camera.  Sorry little buddy!  Ha!
Mia's first time giving Quinn a bottle.  She did great!  Her arm got tired before he was done, so Daddy took over.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

7 Weeks Old

As usual, I'm behind on posting, but I did take Quinn's 7 week picture.  His little personality is beginning to emerge.  He is so laid back.  Mia hugs and squeezes on him.  She gets in his face and talks loud.  She jumps and dances all around him.  At first, I worried that it would scare him and waited each time for him to get upset and cry.  He almost never does though if she's the one making the noise.  He just watches her quietly.  I think he recognizes that this is the little person he heard before he was born.  You can almost see him wanting to say, "So you're the loud one.  Okay, fine.  I guess I'm used to it."  It's funny because he actually has a hard time sleeping if it's too quiet.  He needs a little background noise to be comfortable.  He has his big sister to help him out in that department! 
Quinn at 7 weeks old


Fun at the Fair

A couple of weeks ago, we took the kids to the Texas State Fair in Fair Park here in Dallas.  It was a first for all four of us.  I say every year that I want to go, but somehow it has never worked out until this year.  We had decided to go on the last day thinking that maybe the crowds wouldn't be so bad.  Yeah, we were wrong.  The fair was PACKED.  We met our friends, the Roberts family, there, and the kids loved it.  I think they would have enjoyed themselves no matter where we went because they love to play together.  The icon of the Texas State Fair is Big Tex.  It is a 52 foot tall statue that stood at the entrance to the fair each year.  There was a speaker in his mouth that blared salutations and announcements for everyone to hear.  Big Tex has been greeting visitors since 1952, and I was excited to see him and hopefully get the kids picture in front of him.  Sadly, two days (TWO DAYS!) before we went to the fair, there was an electrical fire, and Big Tex was destroyed.  I couldn't believe it!  That's the way it goes sometimes, I guess.  I hope that they have a new Big Tex for the fair next year. 

I had thought that we would let the kids ride some rides, but like I said, the crowds were a bit overwhelming.  My number one priority was chowing down on some fair food.  Come on, isn't that what all of the adults go there for or is it just me?  Haha!  We walked around just people watching mostly and munching on stick-to-your-arteries yumminess.  The one thing we let the kids do was an interactive farm.  They got to walk through the farm and water trees, feed (fake) chickens, milk (fake) cows, etc.  Mia really liked it.  Maybe we can go back again sometime and check out the rides.

Ryleigh, Mia, and Reese's right ear.  Haha!  I think Reese got distracted right when I took this picture.