Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Bump

Here by popular demand is a photo of Jess' bump. We took the photo in front of the Christmas tree in an effort to give it a little holiday punch. Enjoy.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
--Wes and Jess (and Amelia, too)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hit the Shower...


There will be a baby shower for Jessica this Saturday, December 6th, at 2 p.m. The shower will be held in the community center at the Heavener Runestone State Park. Hope you all can make it.

In other news, the baby is starting to move quite a bit. I felt her kick for the first time a few days ago, and it was pretty rad. The past few weeks have been pretty hectic. Jessica and I have been going to Lamaze classes, and we've been trying to get ready for the holidays. I will be working on Christmas, so it's doubtful I will get to see any of you this season. I think we are going to spend Christmas in Dallas this year with my mom and brother possibly coming to town.

In about two hours and fifteen minutes, it's going to be December. This year has almost passed us by. Mia will be here before we know it!

Take care everybody, and if I don't see you, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you guys get everything you want and no switches in your stockings.


With Christmas almost on us, I think you know what it's time for.

Yeah, I think you do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's been awhile, I know, I know. I've been slacking off and for that I apologize. It's been kinda busy around here lately. We had family in town all last week (both mine and Jess'), and both of our work schedules have been less than favorable.

The biggest thing going is that we've been working on the nursery --

Sunday, Jessica's friend Jill (not pictured) came over and helped me paint. You can't really tell from the photo, but the wall color is called Palm Breeze (Behr) and is kind of a cool celery green color. It will go great with the bedding we chose; it should match the green in the blanket. Not sure if we will go with red curtains or gray. That's still up in the air. When I got home this morning, I replaced the ceiling fan, and we plan on starting the furniture assembly very soon. We already have the crib and the changing table. We are waiting to get the hutch and chest of drawers, but should have them before too long.

Other than that, everything else is going great. Jessica is doing fine, and she says she can now feel the baby kicking. She (the baby) seems to get really excited after a dose of Chinese food. So in a few years when she gets cravings for sweet & sour chicken and lo mein, we'll know where it all started.

A BIG THANKS to Jill for helping out on Sunday. It was/is mucho appreciated.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Something Fun (Again)

The cooling temperatures, falling leaves, and earlier sunsets. These can only mean one thing: it's almost hockey season.

A couple of weeks ago the Dallas Stars held their annual Icebreaker event at the Galleria Mall here in town (hint: if anyone ever asks you if you want to go to the Galleria, just go ahead and put them or yourself out of their/your misery). The Icebreaker allows the fans to meet the players and get photos and autographs, all for the low price of free. The mall opened at ten, and the players came out to start signing at eleven. Jess and I got there at nine-thirty. The place was PACKED. We split up and got in separate lines to ensure we got the autographs we were after.

Here's Jessica with her Stars crush, Stephan Robidas. I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo, but Robi would be a rhinoplasty surgeon's dream (or nightmare). In addition to other injuries sustained throughout his career, he took a puck to the face in last season's playoff series against Anaheim, but he was back in the game five minutes later, his sweater bloodied and his nose packed with gauze.

I told Jess to ask him about the best spots to visit in Montreal because we're thinking about going there for a vacation, but she said she was too nervous.

Robi was super cool, and I ended up getting those travel tips from him. He said that anything in Old Montreal was nice to visit.


This is me with Sergei Zubov and my freshly signed ЦСКА Moscow Sweater. Two things run through my mind when I look at this photo:


2. My face is really fat.

Sergei was cool, and I was super excited that I was able to meet him and get his autograph.

That's it for now.

Did you guys hear that Jessica's going to have a girl?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Jessica and I just got back from the doctor's office a little while ago, and....


The doctor said everything looks like it's supposed to, and everything is where it's supposed to be.

We are both very excited, happy, and relieved.

Now, for the part a lot of you have been waiting for: the name.

Amelia Korynn McGee

We are going to call her Mia for short. There. Now all has been revealed. Once again, we are all excited and pleased. Everyone take care, and check back often.


Monday, September 22, 2008


Only one day until we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl and we reveal the name.

Will it be A.S. or A.K.?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Name Game

So, it's only about a week before we learn what the baby's going to be. As promised, we will also reveal the baby's name on that day as well. I know the suspense has been driving a few of you crazy, so here's a little preview to get you ready for next Tuesday.

If it's a boy, the initials will be: A.S.

If it's a girl, the initials will be: A.K.

There. Now you have something to keep you guessing until next week.

As for those of you who wrote in with name suggestions, we appreciate your effort. Here are a few of the suggested names we received from friends and family:

  • Lester
  • Red
  • Wichita
  • Lucius
  • Ruby Lee
  • Toodle Jack (my Grandma's idea)
  • Crash
  • Jazz
  • Ringo
  • Glenn
Those are all great names, but Jessica and I are happy with the names we've selected. Stay tuned for more updates.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Weight of Our Words

People often ask Jessica and/or me if we're having a boy or a girl. Since that discovery is still about a month away, we tell them we don't know yet. Almost always the person replies, "As long as it's healthy, right?" Only in the past couple of days have I really thought about the weight those words carry. Are they suggesting that if our baby is born unhealthy we won't love it? If it's born missing a few toes or fingers are we going to try to send it back for another one? I pray every night that Jessica and the baby come through this thing safe and healthy, but on the off-chance that something is wrong with the child, I think he/she deserves every bit of love that we have reserved for a "normal" baby.

Just some thoughts. It's late. I should be in bed.


If you want to hear a good song, click here. The video's not important. Just listen to the tune.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Now for something fun.

So now that Jessica's pregnant, we've been watching funny baby videos on YouTube. This one is by far our favorite. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as we do.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Heartbeat, It's a Lovebeat

So the other day, Jessica and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, and I gotta admit, it was pretty rad. Hearing that woosh-woosh sound made it all real. It finally sunk in for the first time that in about six months, I'm going to be a father. Exhilarating and stressful at the same time.

Jessica continues to do well. She is still somewhat nauseous, but she seems to be doing better with it. We go in a couple of weeks to get a Quad Screen, and sometime next month, we should (finally) figure out if it's a boy or a girl.

Today marks Jessica's sixteenth week of pregnancy, and this is only my third post on this blog. I know, I know, I've been slacking, but there really hasn't been much to report. I'm hopeful that as we get further along in the pregnancy, there will be more for me to share. So before you chide me for my lack of posts, I want you to consider this: if you took all the money we in the west spend on food in one week, you could feed the third world for one year. Now, I don't know about you folks, but I can't help feeling that we're being overcharged for our groceries.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What's in a name?

Since telling everyone that Jessica is expecting, people keep asking, "Do you have names yet?" The truth is, we do have names picked out, but we don't want to unveil them until we know if it's a boy or a girl. Plus, there's always the chance that the names could change 117 times before the baby even makes the scene. Maybe everyone could email me with their own name ideas and I could post them here on the blog. Right now, for a boy, I like Radek, but I don't think Jess is too high on it.

In other news, Jessica is doing fine. She seems to be in a constant state of nausea, but I guess that's the way it be. As long as she keeps eating her crackers and drinking water, she'll be okay, right? Right? She goes back to see Dr. LaRue in a few weeks for some blood work, and that makes me a little nervous, but I know it's just another step on the path.

We're also loading up on baby information. Jessica's nightstand looks like a library, chock full of baby books and magazines. She's currently reading What to Expect When You're Expecting. Apparently, it's the bible when it comes to childbirth. Jessica also bought a Pregnancy for Dummies DVD. I think that one's for me.

Other than that, it's the same 'ol same 'ol around here, which is okay, I guess, because in about seven months, it's going to be anything but same 'ol same 'ol.


Saturday, June 28, 2008


Jessica's doctor (Dr. LaRue) confirmed on Thursday, June 26, 2008, that she is about eight weeks pregnant, with an expected due date of early February 2009. We are very excited, and our friends and family are sharing in our excitement. We will be using this blog to post updates and information about the pregnancy, as well as photos and other tidbits we may find interesting, so please add this blog's address to your favorites and check back often!