Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Just for Cuteness Sake

Here are some pictures of Quinn that I'm putting on here just to remember his 1 year old cuteness.  He's growing so fast, and he does adorable things all of the time.  I want to remember what he was like when he was just a little sprout.

I was trying to update the layout of the blog and needed a new id photo for Quinn.  He was making all kinds of silly faces.  Here are a couple of the pictures that didn't make the final cut:

This is the one I pickedSuch a sweet face.

Quinn thinks he needs to wear his sunglasses a lot of the time in the car because Mia does.  He hasn't quite mastered the art of positioning them on his face correctly, but he's pleased with himself regardless.

Sleepy baby

One of the major times Quinn always wants my attention is when I'm cooking dinner.  I try to find something for him to play with while I get dinner ready.  Tonight he occupied himself with playing hide and seek in a box in the kitchen floor.  He had a grand old time!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Just Another Day in Paradise

Highlighting a random day is always fun.  Quinn is trying to start dressing himself.  He still needs help, but he doesn't want it.  Haha!  Whenever he tries to put his pants on by himself, he pushes my hand away and says, "No!  I do it!"  Pretty much every time he shoves both feet into the same leg hole and then hollers for assistance because he can't figure out what the problem is.  It's cute that he's starting to feel a little independent.

This evening Mia and I made cupcakes.  If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, nowadays her response is chef.  She loves to cook and wear her apron.  It's a fun albeit messy past time.  Memories!!

Determined to do it alone.

Finally asking Momma for help.

Cupcake Queen!

Enjoying the fruits of Sissy's labor.  Yes, he's in the high chair.  I told him that was the only way he could have a cupcake, so he relented this one time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

No More Highchair

It's finally happened.  Quinn flat out refuses to sit in the high chair anymore.  Mia used it easily til she was at least 2 1/2 because she didn't have any older siblings to emulate, but Quinn wants to sit at the dining room table with his sister.  So long to another baby-ism.  Now, it's off to the attic with the highchair.

Quinn has a few shows that he likes to watch.  We don't usually watch live TV unless it's sports, but we watch quite a bit of Netflix shows.  Mia watches so many shows that I'm not sure which to list as her favorites.  It's probably Barbie, Jem and the Holograms, Littlest Pet Shop, and a few different fairy shows.  For Q, favorite shows include Super Why, Clifford, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Signing Time (sign language show).

 First meal to celebrate his freedom from the high chair is one of his faves, chili tacos!

Eating his chocolate chip waffle and watching Super Why.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fireworks and Bday Cake

I took Mia and Quinn to Heavener this weekend for Zoey's 4th birthday party.  Mia and Z are close buddies, and they always have a ball together.  Everybody went swimming which was, of course, a hit with Mia and Quinn.  They also got to load up on birthday cake and watermelon.  I finally had to cut Q off of the watermelon.  They both love it!  We also went to Heavener's fireworks show at Blues Park.  For the last few years, the fourth of July has been during the week, so we haven't gotten to go home to see any fireworks.  It was a good show.  I was a little nervous that it would be too load for Quinn, but he got excited!  It didn't really seem to bother him.  I always love to go home and see family and friends!

Blues Park

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Little Fish

Mia has completed the Level One swim class at the rec center.  She has been taking lessons four days a week for the past two weeks.  She's made a lot of progress.  To pass this level, she had to be able to float on her back and stomach as well as go underwater a little.  She couldn't do any of those things when she started, so I'm pleased with what she's learned.  She loves being in the pool, and she especially enjoyed not have to wear floaties.  I hope this will motivate her to learn more in the Level Two class that she'll start next week.  It's nerve wracking to watch two little kids who can't swim when you're all in the pool.  I'm so glad that I know she can float now.  It won't stop this momma from keeping an eye on her, but it's an important skill for her to master.  She's doing so great!