Sunday, July 13, 2014

Just Another Day in Paradise

Highlighting a random day is always fun.  Quinn is trying to start dressing himself.  He still needs help, but he doesn't want it.  Haha!  Whenever he tries to put his pants on by himself, he pushes my hand away and says, "No!  I do it!"  Pretty much every time he shoves both feet into the same leg hole and then hollers for assistance because he can't figure out what the problem is.  It's cute that he's starting to feel a little independent.

This evening Mia and I made cupcakes.  If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, nowadays her response is chef.  She loves to cook and wear her apron.  It's a fun albeit messy past time.  Memories!!

Determined to do it alone.

Finally asking Momma for help.

Cupcake Queen!

Enjoying the fruits of Sissy's labor.  Yes, he's in the high chair.  I told him that was the only way he could have a cupcake, so he relented this one time.

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