Monday, May 30, 2011


Mia's hair is finally long enough that I can get all of it into a ponytail.  That's fabulous since the weather is getting hot.  Maybe she'll stay a little cooler.  For some reason on Sunday, I was feeling ambitious in the hairstyling department.  I made a maze of connecting ponytails on Mia's little head then put hair clips on all of them.  It took me an hour to do it because she kept jumping up and running off.  Just when I would give up, she would run back to me and say, "Mommy fix my hair!"  I like how it turned out, but it will be awhile before I attempt to tackle that again!
We're still working on not standing so close to the tv, but that girl sure loves Rapunzel.
 Silly goose!

Instead of eating her hamburger, she took off the bottom bun and sat her drink on it.  At least she knows how to use coasters, right?

Fun with Zoey

Mom and Preston came down to watch Mia last weekend so that Wes and I could go to an American Cancer Society fundraiser.  They brought Zoey with them.  Mia didn't want to be parted from her all weekend.  She kept bringing Zoey toys and saying, "I sharing my toys!  Here Zoey!"  She wasn't happy when Mimi, Pa Pa, and Zoey left, but they had a lot of fun.

Reading Zoey her Stella book
Isn't she a doll?
 The girls had a tea party

 Mia definitely got out plenty of toys for Z
 I just can't get enough of this girl!
 I think Mia decided that Z needed a few more toys.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Instead of Napping

Mia is supposed to be taking a nap right now.  She hasn't been napping much at home on the weekends lately, so I usually give her a few books when I put her in the crib.  I tell her that she needs some quiet time and to just read her books until she gets tired.  So, a few of her dolls are now lined up in the crib, and she is reading to them like her teachers do for her class at daycare.  She said to the dolls, "Do you wanna read a book? Yeah? Okay.  Everybody listen.  Everybody scoot back!"  She held the book up so that her babies could see better.  At daycare, the teacher will hold up the book and point to the front, back, and spine, so the kids all know the parts of a book.  Mia usually does that at home, too.  She points to each one and says, "The front! The back! The spine!" 
Reading a story to her dolls.  Her audience is Ann, Susie (in purple), and Edie (in green)


Bottom and Eve

When we read a book to Mia, she always wants to know the names of every single character in the book.  Kids' books don't usually have many characters, so that is normally easy.  However, her new favorite book is her picture Bible.  She has two different ones, and she loves them both.  It's pretty difficult to name every person on every page.  Mia definitely can't remember all of the names that we tell her.  She wants us to start at the beginning and read the whole thing.  Even a picture Bible is kind of long to read the whole way through, though.  Wesley tried to cheat by saying, "There's the sun." (Flip page)  "There are some flowers." (Flip page).  Mia stopped him and said, "No Daddy!  Read book.  Talk about it!"  So, we read a little at a time.  Mia is good at knowing who Adam and Eve are.  Adam is a little awkward for her to say, so she usually calls him "Bottom".  We're working on saying his name right.  She can always find Eve easily.  Mia finds the person with long hair and says, "That's Eve! She got's no shirt!"  It makes me laugh, but she's totally right.  That's a definitive way to pick out Eve as the only woman in the Bible that ran around without a shirt on.  Haha!  She always wants to find the baby Jesus.  She likes to say, "Ssshhh!  Baby Jesus is sleeping.  We have to be quiet ("quiet" sounds like "kai-et").  Don't wake him up!"  Then she'll point out Jesus as a man.  She always says, "That's Jesus.  He's not a baby."  For some reason, she is obsessed with the story of the paralyzed man that Jesus heals so that he can walk.  Mia gets very concerned.  She says, "His legs hurt! Oh no.  He got's an owie!"  I love that she's so interested in the Bible stories.  The whole daycare goes to chapel once a week, so she already hears some of the stories and songs there.
We all went out to breakfast yesterday to Southern Maid DonutsMia loved her donut covered with sprinkles.  My ham and cheese croissant was pretty delicious, too!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mommy and Me Tea Party

Mia's daycare had a tea party this morning for all of the moms and kids to celebrate Mother's Day.  It was fun.  They had pretty flowers, apple juice, tea, muffins, etc.  I love that the ladies at the daycare do their best to make every important day and holiday special.  No wonder that some days Mia isn't ready to go home when I get there!  Then, Wesley and Mia let me choose where to go for my Mother's Day dinner.  I chose one of my faves: Gloria's!  This was our first time to go to their new location in the Bishop Arts district.  It was gorgeous inside, and the food was amazing as usual!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

On the Road Again

For the second weekend in a row, we went on a road trip to Oklahoma.  This time we went to visit Nana and Keith.  They were having a house warming party, so we went up to visit and meet some of their friends.  Mia had fun playing with Keith's grandsons who introduced her to Finding Nemo.  She asked to watch it several times on the way home but kept changing her mind and wanted to watch Tangled.  She calls that movie "Perunzal"(Rapunzel).  I think we may be starting a princess phase because she also kept requesting "Cindawella" as well as "Tinkabell".  I don't know how many times she's watched "Perunzal" this week.  She really pays attention to it, too.  When Rapunzel hit Flynn on the head with the frying pan, Mia stood up from her purple Tinkerbell chair and said, "No Perunzal! You be nice! We don't hit our friends!"  Haha!  Princess Mia only wants to wear dresses and skirts now.  I asked her the other day if she was a girly girl.  She replied (very seriously), "Yeah, Momma.  I cute!"  Ooookay!  I think I'm in trouble.  Hehe!  We had a nice visit with Nana and Keith.  They threw a great party!
Helping Nana with food prep

 Sitting at a dining table originally owned by her Great-great grandma Martin
She picked up this glass right about the time I took the picture.  Geez!  If she'd dropped it, I would've had a heart attack!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Friend Makin' Mondays: Are You a Bookworm?

Time for another Friend Makin' Monday with Kenz from All the Weigh.  I love these little surveys.

It's time for Friend Makin' Mondays!  If you've taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you're new, please take a moment to answer this week's question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section of this post so we can all see your FMM questions and answers.  Now it's time for this week's topic!

Friend Makin' Mondays: Are You A Bookworm?

1) How often do you read?  I'm almost always reading something...

2) What's the last book you read and loved? The last book I read was Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.  I was completely in love with this book.  It's about the huge round-up and deportation of Jews in Paris during WWII.  The events were horrible, but the insight and emotion of the story was breath-taking.

3) What book(s) are you currently reading?  I am almost finished reading The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran.  I read another of her books, Nefertiti, a couple of years ago.  I loved it, so when I saw this one at the store, I grabbed it.  It's a (fictional) story about Nefertiti's niece, Nefertari.  I am fascinated with Egyptian history.  It was such a unique culture.  I've just devoured this book and will finish it soon.

4) Share a few of your favorite authors.  Oh wow, where to start?  You know what, the list is ridiculously long.  It's best not to make you read that many names.

5) What's next on your list of must-reads?  My reading list is soooo long.  I can't wait to read Two Kisses for Maddy by Matt Logelin.  It just came out last month.  His wife died just after childbirth from a pulmonary embolism.  When I first started reading his blog, he was talking about this crazy idea of writing a book.  I've been a faithful blog reader of his throughout the writing of the book (much of that was done in India) and beyond.  His daughter is so beautiful and sweet.  It's wonderful that he has been brave enough to share his life with others.
Other books I want to read include Devil at My Heels by Louis Zamporini, Escape from Davao by John Lukacs, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay,...the list goes on and on and on.  So, yeah.  I would say that I'm a bookworm.