Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow Babies

We got some snow today, but it started to melt pretty quickly.  That didn't stop these two from going out to play in it.  It was nice for them to be able to throw a couple of snowballs before it was gone.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FB Fave Statuses

Facebook seems to be the way I remember funny things the kids say since I usually forget to write them down.  I copied some of my favorite Facebook statuses from the last few months.  One funny thing that I would add to this is that Quinn used to call polka dots "coconuts". :)

Quinn is calling Wesley "King Daddy". Lol!!

Adding this to the list of things I wouldn't have thought I'd hear as a parent. Mia: "Mommy, can you help me? My hair is stuck in a chandelier." It really was, too. Who knew the Barbie Malibu House was full of boobytraps?

As I was putting him to bed, Quinn said to me, "Shine on you crazy Mommy." We listen to Pink Floyd just a little bit in this house.

Quinn just rode an escalator for the first time. As we were going down, he said, "This is awesome! WEEEE!!" After getting off at the bottom, he said, "I did it! That was amazing!" Lol.

Mia: Quinn, you need to listen to me because I'm your big sister!
Quinn: Don't tell me what to do!!
This is what the rest of my life will sound like, isn't it? LOL! These two make me laugh every day.

Quinn is sitting in the living room floor. He's eating animal crackers, drinking milk, and watching Dukes of Hazzard. What a time warp.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Laidback Weekend

We mostly relaxed this weekend after Mia's Girl Scout activity on Saturday.  Quinn found one of Wesley's books and began perusing the pages like he was really reading it.  I tried to explain that Hemingway was a little over his head right now, but he didn't believe me.  On Sunday, the kids brought a bunch of blankets into the living room and made a comfy pallet to watch cartoons on.  Mia decided that the hardwood floors were water and the rugs were land.  Whenever she had to go anywhere on the hardwoods, she claimed she was a mermaid and basically army crawled to wherever she was going.  It was nice to stay close to home and get a few things done while the kids played.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Girl Scout Fun

Mia and her troop met up with several other troops today for World Thinking Day.  Each troop was assigned a certain country that they were supposed to research and do a presentation on.  Mia's troop did China.  Mia's part of the presentation was to talk about panda bears.  She did great, but we need to work on talking louder when in front of a group.  Anyone who knows her will laugh at the notion of making her talk even louder, but she sometimes gets a little shy.  Other times being in front of a crowd is no big deal.  She did a good job though.  Each troop brought food from the country they were presenting on, and Mia and Quinn liked some of the food.  Quinn mostly ate a lot of bananas.  Mia enjoyed it as she does with all of her Girl Scout activities.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

OC Mardi Gras Parade

Mia's Girl Scout troop walked in the Oak Cliff Mardi Gras parade today.  We have been to the parade several times as spectators, and the kids always enjoy catching the beads and candy.  I love seeing the imaginative floats, marching bands, and colorful groups that walk in the parade.  Wesley had to work, so I pushed Quinn in the stroller, and we walked with them.  They gave the girls beads to throw, which they thought was lots of fun.  Before the parade, Quinn did a nose dive off of my friend's front porch steps and got a huge goose egg on his forehead.  It scared me to death, but he was okay.  That's what the big knot is on his head in these pictures.  He's so fearless that I watch him closely, but that was one of those times that I wasn't right there next to him.  He fell asleep during the parade, but I wasn't surprised since we walked a long way down Davis.  The only problem we had with walking in the parade was that after we reached the end, we had to walk all of the way back down Davis to get to our car, and it certainly wasn't close.  On the plus side, our group had been pretty close to the front of the parade, so by walking back we got to see the majority of the parade as spectators.  Quinn stayed in the stroller, but Mia caught lots of beads and candy.  She sweetly shared them with her brother.  They really liked it, but we were all exhausted by the time we got back to the car.  It sure was fun!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Making Valentines

I have Pinterest to thank for the kids school valentines this year.  Sometimes I just let them pick out a set at the store, but I was feeling creative this year.  I decided to go for it.  All of their teachers got mason jars full of a graham goldfish, M&Ms, and marshmallows that Mia mixed up and helped me pour.  She and I like to be crafty, so projects like these are fun for us to do together.  Mia picked out pencils for her friends to go on their valentines and carefully put a pencil on each one.  Quinn's valentines were a little more time consuming.  Thankfully, Wesley helped me put those together.  Otherwise, it would have taken me all evening.  Sweet husband.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cowboy Up

Wesley wanted to go look for some boots, so we made a trip to Cavendar's to see what they had.  While he tried on boots, the kids were running around looking at all of the colorful cowboy footwear.  Quinn decided that he must have a cowboy hat and boots.  He said he wants to show his Papaw because he wears a cowboy hat, too.  He wasn't happy about having to take them off to pay for them.  I had to sit him on the counter at the register and put them back on him immediately.  The cashier just laughed.  Thankfully, she thought it was cute.