Tuesday, July 8, 2014

No More Highchair

It's finally happened.  Quinn flat out refuses to sit in the high chair anymore.  Mia used it easily til she was at least 2 1/2 because she didn't have any older siblings to emulate, but Quinn wants to sit at the dining room table with his sister.  So long to another baby-ism.  Now, it's off to the attic with the highchair.

Quinn has a few shows that he likes to watch.  We don't usually watch live TV unless it's sports, but we watch quite a bit of Netflix shows.  Mia watches so many shows that I'm not sure which to list as her favorites.  It's probably Barbie, Jem and the Holograms, Littlest Pet Shop, and a few different fairy shows.  For Q, favorite shows include Super Why, Clifford, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Signing Time (sign language show).

 First meal to celebrate his freedom from the high chair is one of his faves, chili tacos!

Eating his chocolate chip waffle and watching Super Why.

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