Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby, You're a Firework!

I'm not a big Katy Perry fan, but I actually like the song that I based this blog post title on.  It's pretty catchy.  On Sunday, we visited with everyone some more.  Mia was having too much fun to take a nap.  I had planned to let her swim at Dad's again that afternoon, but she fell asleep in my lap at 6:00pm.  Ordinarily, I would have tried my best to keep her awake a little while longer and then lay her down for the evening, but she was knocked out.  It ended up working out well, because Uncle Darvey invited us to the 4th of July celebration at his church.  After Mia had slept for about an hour, I got her up, and my mom went with us over to the church.  They had bounce houses, snow cones, etc.  I was really impressed that they turned it into a free community event so that anyone who wanted to come could participate.  I saw many people that I haven't seen in years which was nice.  Rachel brought Zoey too, so we all got to walk around and visit a little bit.  Last year, if you remember, Mia was terrified of the fireworks.  She liked the lights but was so scared of the loud noises that she buried her head in my chest for a solid two hours without making a peep until it was over.  This year was completely different.  She just sat next to me on the picnic bench with this awed look on her face.  She kept saying, "Wow! That was a big one! It goes pop, pop, pop!!"  There were a couple of times that the "pops" got a little loud, and she looked like she was getting scared.  She said, "Fire! Don't get me fire!"  I told her they were just pretty lights in the sky, and they wouldn't "get" her.  She was fine after that.  She really liked them and kept talking about it on the way back out to Dad's house.  I'm so glad she got to see some "fire cackers" as she called them.

It was fairly warm (Haha! It's July in Oklahoma.  Let's face it.  It's just plain hot!).  Her hair was plastered to her head.
  She was pretty amazed at the fireworks.

 Blowing bubbles at Papaw and Nana Bev's this morning before we headed home.

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