Friday, March 11, 2011

What's in a Name?

Today is apparently Middle Name Pride Day.  They come up with the weirdest holidays.  My middle name is Marie, but there's no particular story behind it.  Mia's middle name is Korynn.  My great-grandmother's name was Corine.  I always liked it, but it's a little old fashioned.  We tweaked the spelling and altered the pronunciation a bit, but that is where Mia's middle name comes from.

Mia has turned into a little songbird lately.  She sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star pretty well.  She also attempts to sing the ABCs as well as The Hokey Pokey and Row, Row, Row Your Boat to name a few.  She usually ends up singing a medley of all of them at once.  Her version of Jesus Loves Me only has one line.  She sings, "Jesus lums (loves) me, too!"  I don't know why she adds the "too" onto the end, but I can't convince her that it isn't part of the song. 

One of the funniest things Mia has done lately was last Saturday.  She was refusing to take a nap.  I told her that she had to at least stay in her crib and have some quiet time so that she could rest.  I could hear her playing in the crib, but she wasn't crying.  After an hour and a half, I heard her start singing.  Every couple of minutes the singing would stop, and I would hear a thump.  A few seconds later the singing would start again followed by a thump.  After listening to this for a few minutes from the living room, I quietly walked up to her door and peaked in to see what she was up to.  She had thrown all of her blankets and stuffed animals out of her bed.  She would stand on one end of the crib singing.  Then, she would do a somersault, and her feet would thump against the other end of the crib.  I watched her do it several times before I started laughing.  She heard me, and naptime was over for that day!
Wesley took Mia's extra carseat out of his truck the other day.  She saw it by the front door and wanted to sit in it in the living room floor to watch tv.

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