Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mardi Gras Parade

We went to the Mardi Gras parade this afternoon.  The parade route ran a couple of blocks from our house, so we put Mia in her stroller and walked down there.  She didn't know what a parade was, but Mia was curious about what we were doing.  There were tons of people lining the street to see the parade.  She liked looking at all of the floats and people.  The sheriff and some of her deputies rode horses which Mia loved.  Many people in the parade had their dogs with them.  The dogs were decked out with Mardi Gras necklaces, too.  There were people on stilts, lots of people on bikes, vintage know, the works.  Some of the people in the parade threw candy, but most of them just threw Mardi Gras beads.  We didn't allow Mia to run around, so she just got to pick up the ones that were thrown to her.  This didn't mean that she was shorted on necklaces in any way.  No sir.  That little girl got (and I counted them) 57 Mardi Gras necklaces.  In case you think that might be a type-o, I'll spell it out...FIFTY-SEVEN necklaces.  What on earth will we do with all of them?  She couldn't even wear them all.  I ended up having to wear a lot of them just so we could carry them home.  Mia had fun, and that's always the focus of our family outings.
Daddy and Mia waiting for the parade to start
 Lots of people on bicycles were at the front of the parade
 One guy on a really tall bike
 Waving at the Girl Scouts
 The float from the church where Mia goes to daycare

Here's proof that I was there since I'm usually the one behind the camera!

This chick could hula hoop on stilts.  Now, that's impressive.
 Wearing as many of her necklaces as she possibly could!

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