Monday, January 31, 2011

New Class

Today was Mia's first day in her new class.  She doesn't usually mind changing classrooms, so I didn't expect her to have a problem.  I was right.  When we arrived, she ran over to the breakfast table and took a seat.  She said, "Bye Mommy!" just like she does every morning.  It was super easy.  When I picked her up this afternoon, she was telling me the names of all of the kids in her class.  Some of them she already knew, but she'd learned the names of the others as well.  She didn't want to leave, but I coaxed her out the door with promises of letting her help me look for buses.  It's an "I Spy" game we play on the way home.  Whenever Mia sees a vehicle she recognizes, she yells, "Bus, Mama! School bus!" or "Big truck!" or "Van!"  She's been calling the city transit buses "school buses" also.  I've been trying to tell her they are city buses.  I guess she misunderstood me because the next time she saw one she said, "Silly bus, Mommy! Silly bus!"  She wants to identify everything she sees.  She points out every blade of grass and speck of dust it seems.  She asked for a snack this evening, but it took me a few minutes to figure out what she wanted.  I guess she's decided to call Lucky Charms "Charlie Browns".  Too funny!

Here's Mia supervising while I cook dinner.
She got impatient for her dinner.  She climbed up on the side of the high chair, and started eating her veggies before I could put her in the seat.

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