Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Introducing Baby Quinn!!

As you may have guessed by my long blog absence, Baby Quinn has arrived!  He was born Wednesday September 5th.  Despite my attempts at self induction such as walking, eating Mexican food, etc, Quinn would not be hurried.  He was born exactly on his due date.  I had gone to my 40 week appointment that morning with my mom.  The doctor had done an ultrasound and said everything was still looking great.  She said she would induce me one week later if he didn't show up on his own.  I went on to work, but I couldn't concentrate very well.  I wanted to see my baby so badly!  A couple of hours later, I noticed that what I had been calling Braxton Hicks contractions had actually began to come at regular intervals.  I had discovered an online contraction timer that I began using after lunch because my friends kept insisting that I was probably in labor.  Sure enough, after timing them for an hour, I could see that they were coming five minutes apart and lasting for a minute each time.  They weren't extremely painful, though, so I told my co-workers that I would walk myself upstairs in the hospital to get monitored. 

After being examined, the nurse told me that I was dilated to 5cm and would be having my baby that day.  After some hurried phone calls, the grandparents were on the road and headed to Dallas for his arrival.  My mom was already here because she had been helping me out for the last several days.  I was so pregnant that I wasn't really able to do much around the house! Mia got to have her very first sleepover at her friend Reese's house.  Scott and Holly said that she did really well, and the girls had lots of fun. 

My labor went more quickly this time.  Quinn Marcus was born at 10:22pm that evening.  He was 9lb, 3oz, and 21 inches long.  He is a beautiful baby!  Most everyone that sees him says that he looks like Wesley.  We don't see it as much, I guess, but Wes and I agree that Quinn looks just like Mia did as a baby.

Didn't get a chance to take a 40 week picture that morning, so here's Quinn and Mommy at 40 weeks going through a contraction...
 ...and here we are when the contraction was over.  Much better!
Quinn and Daddy
 Quinn and Mommy with Papaw
Mimi and Quinn
Chillin' with Papaw


Christie said...

I've been checking every morning for pictures of little Quinn. Congratulations to you all! He is a beautiful baby boy!!

Gwen said...

Welcome to the family, little Quinn!