Friday, September 28, 2012

Home With Our Babies

Bringing Quinn home from the hospital was a great feeling.  It was exciting to know that our little family was complete.  Since so much of our focus was on Quinn, we wanted to make sure that Mia felt special as well.  I didn't know if she would be jealous of him.  I had bought a few things for her as "big sister presents".  She was super excited when she opened them.  It turns out that I didn't have to be worried about jealousy, though.  She LOVES her little brother.  Mia is a great helper.  She wants to get his clean diapers, give him his pacifier, and throw away dirty diapers.  Goodness gracious, if I forget to let her put his diaper in the Diaper Genie, I'm in major trouble.  That's her job, and she doesn't want to be cheated out of it.  She completely adores Quinn and doesn't want him out of her sight.  I love seeing my sweet babies together!

Quinn on the day we brought him home from the hospital

Big sister presents!  Look at her face.  She was so excited about the sparkly pink shoes!


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