Sunday, September 30, 2012

First Bath and Emotions

Quinn's second week home was without any major incidents.  He gets up every 2-3 hours to eat, so I'm worn out.  Wesley gets up to help me when he can, but since I'm breastfeeding, I still have to get up every time.  I try to take naps when Quinn does, but that doesn't always work out.  Some days I don't get out of my pajamas, but who cares?  Spending the day cuddled up on the couch with my baby is a great use of my time in my book.  Quinn's umbilical cord fell off at 9 days old, so he got his first bath that evening.  Mia has always enjoyed baths, even as a baby.  Quinn, on the other hand, is not pleased when we bathe him.  Plus, there is the added fear that a yellow fountain will shoot up at any moment, so we have to cover him with a washcloth.

Quinn went for his first appointment with the pediatrician at 2 weeks old.  I was a little nervous.  I knew that Quinn shows all the signs of adequate nutrition from breastfeeding.  He is content after he nurses and has plenty of wet and dirty diapers.  However, the biggest factor for the doctor to consider is whether or not he is gaining weight properly.  I had difficulty producing enough for Mia as a baby and had to supplement with formula starting fairly early.  I've been trying to do all that I can to insure that my supply is adequate for Quinn.  So far, so good according to the pediatrician.  His weight was 9 lb, 4oz which means he's back up to his birth weight plus 1 oz which is great.  His weight puts him in the 75th percentile for his age, and his length was 22.5 inches (100%) which is up 1.5 inches from birth.  I'm a little unsure if the length is correct, though.  Can a newborn grow 1.5 inches in 2 weeks?  Maybe.

Mia's homework for school this week had to do with emotions.  The teachers wanted to make a display for the wall of the kids making faces depicting different emotions.  Mia and I had a photo shoot one evening where she made all kinds of hilarious faces.  We took them to her class, and her teachers loved them!  They said that almost all of her classmates brought pictures of happy faces, so they loved that we had fun with our pictures.

Quinn's first bath
 He certainly looks long when he's stretched out.
Quinn at 2 weeks old.

 The many faces of Mia

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