Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Cookies

I got the bright idea the other day that Mia and I would make cookies that looked like turkeys for Thanksgiving.  I had seen a picture online, and it looked easy enough.  Mia and I went to the store last night to get all of the ingredients.  She was really excited about making "turkey cookies".  She was very well behaved at Tom Thumb where we found all but one ingredient on our list...candy corn.  I had mistakenly believed that they would still have some since it wasn't yet Thanksgiving.  However, the only holiday candy out was for Christmas.  Not willing to give up yet, we stopped at CVS on the way home to check there.  Mia and I scoured the candy aisles, but there was no candy corn.  As we were leaving I told her that it was okay.  I said that I would have to find a recipe that didn't use candy corn.  I told Mia, "I'll have to Google it."  Mia laughed and said, "That's funny!" Haha!  It had started to rain, but I made one final attempt by running in to Family Dollar.  I dug through an entire shopping cart full of leftover Halloween candy and decorations but came up empty-handed.  I was really disappointed.  I decided that I would have to figure something else out. 

Then, at work today, one of my coworkers asked me if I wanted some leftover Halloween candy.  I laughed and told her I'd kiss her if that included candy corn.  As luck would have it, she had five shopping bags full of...candy corn!  What!?!  She didn't make me follow through with the kiss offer, but she sent me home with waaaay too much candy corn.  Mia was so excited when I told her we were going to make the turkey cookies this evening.  At not quite three years old, she doesn't have a very steady hand when it comes to cookie decorating, but she was a big helper with unwrapping all of the candy.  She tried to help with the assembly of the cookies but decided that watching tv with her daddy was more interesting after awhile.  She said she's going to share them with her class at school tomorrow.  She's such a sweet kid.

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