Friday, October 28, 2011


Wednesday night was Trunk or Treat at the church where Mia goes to daycare.  Wes had to work overtime, so he couldn't go with us.  I decided not to hand out candy from our trunk because it seemed like asking for trouble since I knew Mia would be running around.  Instead Mia and I hung out with friends and helped pass out candy at their car.  Mia was all business about handing out the candy.  She was really focused on making sure each kid got a piece as they came by.  However, her attention did stray at times.  It's always the most fun to play with friends, and Mia kept going to see what her friend, Reese, was up to.  They are in the same class, and I doubt they can even remember life before they met each other.  They've been in daycare together since they were infants.  They were funny because they both kept getting candy from Reese's dad and wanting Holly (Reese's mom) and I to open them.  I finally had to cut Mia off.  Her teeth will thank me later!

The clue for Mia's Halloween costume was a madeleine.  It is a French dessert that is basically a small sponge cake-like treat that is baked in a pan with shell-shaped molds.  Thus, Mia's costume was Madeline.  Mia loves to watch the cartoon on Netflix.  It is based on the Madeline children's books by Ludwig Bemelmans.  The very first Madeline book came out in 1939!  Madeline is a little girl who lives in a boarding house in Paris with several other girls.  She's very outgoing and gets into lots of adventures.  It's nostalgic to watch it with Mia and become reaquainted with Madeline, Miss Clavel, and the other girls.  I love hearing the first line of each episode "In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines ...".  Ah memories...Mia was an adorable Madeline, but it was difficult to keep the hat on her head.  The daycare is having pumpkin parties on Monday, so she'll get to wear it one more time.

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