Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween Spirit

Mia picked out a pumpkin last weekend, so tonight we decided to carve it.  I bought her some Disney princess stencils to choose from.  She wanted Princess Aurora.  It turned out that our pumpkin wasn't tall enough to accommodate her long hair, so she went with Snow White.  She helped Wesley scoop out the insides with her little pink scoop.  Each time one of the pumpkin seeds got stuck to her hand, she wanted it off immediately.  It was too slimy I guess.  It's been a couple of years since I've used a stencil on a pumpkin, and I'd forgotten how time consuming it is.  In the end, I like how it turned out.  Mia was so sweet when we put the candle in it.  She said, "It's Snow White!  Oh, thank you!  Thank you!"  I'm glad she liked it, but next time we might do a simpler design.

Tried to get a better pic of Snow White, but it's really red.


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