Saturday, December 18, 2010

Daycare Christmas Party

Mia's class had their Christmas party yesterday.  They drew names for presents, and Mia got her friend, Cati.  Mia and Cati are great friends and were born within a couple of weeks of each other.  As it turns out, Cati got Mia's name, too.  I took the day off from work so that I could go to the party as well as get some things done around the house while Mia was at daycare.  When I got to the party, the class was making Christmas shakers.  This consisted of plastic water bottles that the kids stuffed with yarn and pom poms.  One of the teachers then scooped some rice into it, glued the lid shut, and presto! The kids had shakers that they all immediately started shaking and making all kinds of noise with.  A couple of other parents were there as well.  We all helped the teachers get the kids lined up, then we took off down the hall singing Christmas carols.  We went to the church office and then around to some of the other classrooms.  It was really cute, and the kids all shook their shakers to the music.

Once we got back to Mia's classroom, the teachers read a couple of Christmas stories and sang some songs.  Then, it was time to open presents.  They had a little Christmas tree that the kids all sat around.  Mia got Cati a princess puzzle, and Cati got Mia a stuffed puppy and a snowman beanie baby.  Mia loved them both.  She's been carrying the puppy around the house and pushing the little snowman around in her baby stroller.

Next, it was time for lunch.  Each child was signed up to bring something for the lunch, so the kids had lots of food.  I think that was the quietest they were the whole time.  They were just chowing down on the yummy food.  Someone had brought juice boxes for them.  It was funny to watch them try to drink out of them.  They kept pulling the straws out of the boxes (both by accident and on purpose).  They seemed surprised each time they squeezed the box, and juice squirted out.  By this time, Mia and all of her classmates were tired.  The teachers announced that it was nap time.  One by one, the kids went over to their mats and laid down.  I could tell that Mia was ready to go to sleep because she didn't mind that I was leaving.  I laid down next to her to say bye.  She said, "Love you, Mommy. Night, night."  That was my cue to leave.  I was very proud that my little girl was so well behaved and happy that she had a lot of fun with her friends.

When I left, one of the teachers gave me a bag that was a gift from Mia to Wesley and I.  I opened it when I got out to the car.  It was a Christmas card that Mia had decorated, and it had a picture of her on it wearing a Santa hat.  How cute!  Also, they had made an ornament with her handprint in it.  I can guarantee that it will hang on our tree every year from now on.  I just love those ladies at daycare.  They make each holiday such fun!  Sorry that the pictures of the party are blurry.  I forgot my camera and had to use my cell phone.
Christmas party pics

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