Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Walk in the Park

Today, we took Mia to the Main Street Garden Park in downtown Dallas. It's a brand new park that just opened a few months ago. It's a good sized park with plenty of nice, cool places to throw a blanket on the ground and relax. There is also a dog run, an outdoor cafe, and a toddler playground they call the Tot Lot. Mia isn't much into sitting down and relaxing now that she's walking so well. It's go, go, go all of the time. We walked from one end of the park to the other and back exploring as we went. Mia loved having a wide open space to take off in without me hovering over her worried that she'll fall and hurt herself. She toddled all over the place and seemed to really enjoy herself. She insisted on picking up every leaf she saw, especially the magnolia leaves. We spent some time at the Tot Lot which wasn't very big, but then again, Mia isn't very big, so it worked. In keeping with the modern theme of the park, the few pieces of play equipment were sort of futuristic looking. Mia enjoyed spinning this yellow bowl-looking thing that was apparently meant to be sat in while someone else spins you. We tried to sit her in it and do that, but it was purposely mounted at a slant to make the spin uneven. Mia didn't like that because she kept almost falling out, so we gave up and let her just stand there and spin it herself. We hope to go back, but the Texas heat has arrived, so our opportunities to be out and about will have to be planned carefully from now on. It was a great afternoon!

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