Sunday, April 18, 2010

Big Wheels Keep on Turnin'

We had a fun trip to Russellville, AR this weekend. Wesley's friend, Josh, was getting married, and Wes was the best man. It's a long way from Dallas to Russellville, so we decided to break up the drive for Amelia's sake and stayed the night in Heavener on the way up and on the way back. Mia has been taking road trips since she was three weeks old, so she's a pretty good little traveler. However, by the time we got home this evening, she was sick of being in the car. On Friday, the three of us went up to the Runestone before we left Heavener so that Mia could play on the playground. Also, the views up there of the town are beautiful, and we never get tired of looking at them. The Runestone is where Wesley proposed to me, where we had Mia's baby shower, and so many other special memories through the years. Mia had never been there, so we took advantage of the beautiful morning to go play. Of course, Mia doesn't really know how playground equipment works yet, but she played some. She had a very engaging conversation with a pine cone she found as well. It was a fun morning.

At the wedding on Saturday, Mia did as well as you could expect of an almost 15 month old. She was fairly well behaved during the ceremony except for some goldfish crackers that I had to retrieve from the floor and a few outbursts each time she saw her daddy. She couldn't figure out why she couldn't go to him while he was standing up by Josh. She kind of ran around a lot at the reception while we waited for the wedding party to take some pictures. I guess she was letting loose a lot of pent up energy. It was impossible to take any pictures with my camera. Wesley took his turn chasing her when he got to the reception. The colors of the wedding were black and white which I absolutely loved. The cake was gorgeous, and the decorations were elegant and classic. Congratulations, Josh and Kim!

As per a previous post, Mia is now having duckie-less baths. We're saying sayonara to the big, pink duck. Mia doesn't quite know what to do with the whole tub to herself. She kept having to chase her bath toys around the tub. She likes it, though, because there is more water to splash. As I've said, the kiddo loves bath time.

Mia showing Mommy her book during a pit stop.Mia held her new ball on the way to Runestone. I know that she wanted to play with it up there, but it would be my luck that it would go hurtling over the edge of the mountain. We decided to leave it in the car.
Mia and Daddy on the slide
Swinging with Mommy
Looking at the view of Heavener from the overlook.
Mia is lovin' having more water to play in without the duck.

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