Monday, March 1, 2010

Sick Day

Yesterday morning, we noticed that Mia had a fever. I gave her baby Tylenol, but the fever stayed with her all day. Her little eyes were rimmed in pink, and she was fussy. She was still burning up when I put her to bed last night, so I called in to work and stayed home with her today. She didn't nap very well at all today, although I could tell she was really tired. We spent a good two hours sitting on the couch this afternoon just cuddling and watching tv. That is so not my Amelia. She won't sit still to watch tv unless she is tired. Maybe she was enjoying watching "The Ten Greatest Discoveries of Ancient Egypt" on the History Channel? I think not. She wouldn't really sleep, though, so we just kept everything low key. Late in the afternoon she started perking up. By dinner time, she was acting pretty much like herself. She didn't have a fever today, so I think she'll be fine in the morning.
Happy at the park on Saturday...
Having a snack on Sunday after throwing a bunch of potholders in the floor... Playing today in her pj's and pink moccasins. Poor baby looks tired, doesn't she?

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