I gave Mia a bubble bath for the first time on Wednesday. She loved it and kept splashing wildly. She would lift each hand to her face to inspect all of the bubbles on them. She tried to pick them up and hand them to me one by one. Such a silly girl! She still gets baths in her big, pink duck, so she can't get too wild. Also, she has discovered that she can lean forward and stick her face in the water. She just barely gets her nose and mouth in the water and then flails backward to try and sit up. This is followed by smiles and giggles. I may stop using the duckie, though. The info on the duck says 6months-2 years. Mia is getting so tall, though, and it will soon be way too small. Mia loves her duck. I guess we'll have to buy more bath toys.
Mia loves bread, peanut butter, and raspberry jam, so PB and J is just about the world's perfect food as far as she's concerned. I cut it up in small pieces, and I can't feed them to her fast enough for her liking! She usually gets peanut butter and jam everywhere, so I stripped her down for dinner this evening!
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