Friday, March 19, 2010

One Tired Mommy

The last week has been sooo busy. It's been one thing after another for us. Last Friday, I took off work so that Wesley and I could start painting our guest bedroom. We started priming it months ago (hehe), so we thought we should finish the job. We did several errands that morning and went out to lunch together which we never get to do without our precious angel. She can be a tad vocal in restaurants. At the end of our meal, the daycare called to say that she had a fever and we needed to come get her. Not much painting got done that day. Saturday, we drove up to Heavener for my cousin Kacy's wedding. Mia didn't feel well all day, but she behaved well. Mia started saying "Baby! Baby!" loudly when the wedding party was walking in. There was a baby in the row in front of us, so I guess she was pointing him out. Wesley said, "Shhh", so Mia started whispering "baby, baby". It was funny. Whitney was a beautiful bride, and we loved seeing everyone. I didn't take pictures because I helped serve at the reception, but maybe I'll get pics from somebody else. Mia's cousin, Kennedy, was the flower girl. She was so cute! She and Spenser(her daddy) stayed at Dad and Bev's house which is where we stayed. It's adorable to watch the girls play.

Monday was fairly uneventful, but the daycare called me Tuesday afternoon to say that Mia had a fever again. She had also developed a cough that day. When I got there, she was congested and obviously had a sore throat. She would cough and then whine to let me know it hurt. Her pediatrician's nurse just instructed me to give her baby Tylenol. She said as long as the fever responded to the Tylenol, she should get over it soon. I stayed home with her the next day. She went back and forth between semi-okay and total meltdowns. She would not allow me to be away from her for a second. The only way she would play with her toys was if she was sitting in my lap. She and I wore our St. Patrick's Day shirts to the grocery store since we didn't go to work/daycare that day. I was glad to see her feeling better on Thursday. She was pretty fussy all day but no fever. However, I did notice that evening that she was still in a foul mood. When I would put her down, she wouldn't take a single step. It was like her feet were glued to the floor, and she just cried and held her arms out to me. I thought maybe her shoes were uncomfortable, but she wouldn't walk barefoot either. I couldn't explain it, so I just tried to baby her a lot and give lots of kisses. This morning, she was really fussy as I dressed her especially when I put on her right shoe. Getting dressed is one of her least favorite activities, but she seemed more out of sorts than usual. I just barely fastened the velcro so that it was as loose as possible. I thought her foot looked a little puffy but nothing that looked questionable. Before putting on her socks, her foot had looked fine. So, part way through the morning I get a call from the daycare. Again. Her teacher said her foot was much more swollen, red up to her ankle, and she wouldn't let anyone touch it. She definitely wouldn't walk on it. As usual, I felt guilty for not being able to read her mind this morning and know what was wrong. Wesley took her to the pediatrician who said it was a spider or other bug bite and she was having an allergic reaction to it. My poor Amelia! She hasn't been able to catch a break this week. First sick, then bitten,...sigh. No wonder I'm paranoid! We don't know when or where it happened, but we searched her crib and found nothing. It will be nice when she's old enough to tell me when something hurts. We're hoping she'll be recovered in the next couple of days. The doctor said motrin and children's benadryl should do the trick. We also couldn't let her put any weight on it this evening. Try explaining that to a one year old! This week has had it's crazy moments, but it's the weekend now! Hopefully, the painting will finally get done!
Mia and Kennedy
Not feeling so hot Wed morning as she cuddled with her pink blankie. Feeling better. Climbing on my scrapbook stuff.
Not feeling great in the afternoon as she munched on a snack,
Doing better later as she climbed all over the floor cushions.
Feeling okay last night, but not wanting to put any pressure on that foot. It cracks me up that all of her "posed" pictures include a snack nowadays. It's usually the only way to get her to be still enough for a photo!

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