Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pizza and a Haircut

Today was a fun...then not so fun...then fun again day.  In the morning, we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast which is always a tasty treat.  Mia left her stool in the kitchen, so Quinn helped himself to some of the leftovers later on.  After nap time, we headed out to get the kids' hair cut.  Mia hasn't had her hair cut since school started in the fall because she wants to have "Rapunzel hair".  Quinn had never had his hair cut.  Mia has gotten several haircuts and always does great.  I thought she would go first to show Q what to do, and then he would get his done.  Unfortunately, Mia decided to refuse to get her hair cut.  It was the weirdest thing.  She thought we were going to cut all of her hair off.  She all but threw a tantrum about it when it was her turn.  We still got it done, but it was difficult.  I wasn't worried about Quinn, though.  He's usually cool with whatever.  He's a pretty laid back fellow.  I was so, SO wrong about how he would react.  He had a complete 17 month old meltdown.  He buried his head in my chest and screamed and cried the entire time she was cutting his hair.  It was completely unexpected.  I was covered in baby snot and goldfish crackers by the time it was finished.  We had promised Mia a trip to Chuck E. Cheese after haircuts.  We probably should have cancelled it after their behavior at the hair place.  However, they were both upset by the experience, so we went to try and have some fun after that catastrophe.  The Chuck E. Cheese we went to was super packed.  Wes and I were completely exhausted by the time we left, but the kids had fun.  Overall, I'd still count it as a good day!
Quinn wanted to go back for seconds after breakfast.
 He was not happy after his haircut, but he looks adorable!
Pizza and games made them feel better.

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