Monday, September 2, 2013

Going for a Swim

I took Quinn into the swimming pool for the first time on Sunday at my dad's.  We didn't swim a whole lot this summer, so there weren't many opportunities for Q to try it out.  Plus, Quinn is sensitive to the heat.  If he's outside very long and it's hot, he'll get a heat rash.  I've tried to keep him inside when I can this summer.  I knew this would probably be our last time to swim this year, so I got in the water with him.  Mia swam with Nana Bev while I held Quinn.  Mia loves to swim, but this year she's reverted back to being scared of not holding on to someone.  Hopefully, next year we'll be able to be in the water more so that she can get comfortable with swimming by herself (with floaties).  Quinn enjoyed being in the pool.  He declined to wear the hat I kept putting on his head, but other than that he liked it!

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