Sunday, April 29, 2012

Texas Bluebonnets

We went down to the Ennis Bluebonnet Festival last weekend.  They had pretty much the same stuff as last year.  Mia wanted to ride the train again.  I didn't think that would be an issue because she rode it just fine last year.  However, right about the time the train was getting ready to take off, she started shrieking.  What's a momma to do?  If you said squeeze your pregnant self onto a little kiddie train to sit with your baby girl, you would be correct.  Haha!  After that, we had to do the pony ride, the petting zoo, and play a duck game where Mia won a gigantic, inflatable princess hammer.  I don't know what we're supposed to do with that, but she's enjoyed beating stuff around the house with it.

Then, we left the festival and went out in search of a good location to take bluebonnet pictures.  Last year, we luckily came across a property where the owners were kind enough to allow many of us out-of-towners to trample through their fields of bluebonnets to take pictures of our kiddos.  I guess I just assumed it would be that easy again this time.  No such luck.  Everywhere we drove on the bluebonnet routes, we saw field of bluebonnets surrounded by fences with signs proclaiming "Private Property!" and "No Trespassing!"  I can understand this to some extent, but we couldn't find anyone that seemed to be allowing passersby to take pictures (unless they were standing on the other side of the fence in the ditch).  I was really disappointed that none of the locals (as far as I could tell) were allowing anyone to take pictures on their property.  I'm sure they have their reasons and get tired of being bothered, but it made me sad to have driven so far only to look at the flowers from a distance.  We finally found one roadside patch of bluebonnets.  The grass was extremely tall, and I was slightly freaked out about stepping on snakes and other critters.  However, Mia was a good sport and allowed me to take a few pictures.  They turned out well, but I might try to do my homework next year to find a better spot for bluebonnets.

Mia enjoyed the animals and petted several of them.

 Adorable little piglets.  They're always my favorite!
This one made friends with a bunny.
Mia thought this pony with the pink mane was pretty rad.


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