Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Halfway There

Today marks the halfway point of this pregnancy, 20 weeks!  One old wives tale that has been true for me being pregnant with a boy is a craving for salty/sour food.  I've always loved salty food, so I can't point at Quinn for that one.  However, I've been drinking lemonade pretty much daily for most of this pregnancy.  For example, right now I have an entire roll of SweetTarts in my purse.  Those will be gone soon. :)
This sweet girl had spring pictures this week at school

Before my ultrasound with Quinn a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was movement from him or not.  It wasn't so much a definite movement as it was a shift in pressure low in my abdomen or sometimes a bubbly feeling in one certain spot.  I thought it could've been gas, possibly.  Haha!  It turns out that it was him.  After the ultrasound tech did her scans where she was pressing down a lot on my stomach to get good pictures, this boy woke up and did somersaults the rest of the day.  I no longer had any doubt that he was doing water aerobics in there.  Over the last couple of weeks, his movements have been somewhat sporadic, but they are increasing in frequency.  The other day when Wes got home from work, he started talking to me.  As soon as he opened his mouth and started speaking, Quinn started wiggling.  Then, I would talk and Q would be still.  Wes would start talking again, and Quinn would resume his kicks.  I had read in one of my books that the baby can hear voices at this point, but it surprised me that he would react so much to one particular person.  That might mean he's gonna be a Daddy's boy because he sure likes the sound of his daddy's voice.  I can't wait until Wes will be able to feel those kicks, too, but for now I kind of like having our boy to myself.  ;)
For some reason, she wanted to dress up like a giraffe, though...
Funny Mia moment today: This morning Wes was talking to me in the hallway, and Mia was in the living room.  Wes sneezed, and I guess it startled Mia.  When he walked into the living room, she said, "You sneezed, and it scared my ears!"  I laughed about that all day!
Such a precious face

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