Friday, October 29, 2010


We went to Trunk or Treat at church on Wednesday.  We don't take Mia around to other houses so Trunk or Treat is a nice alternative.  Mia's costume was Supergirl.  She was so adorable!  There were hundreds of kids there, so it was really hectic at times.  I didn't see another Supergirl costume, but we took Mia's picture with a boy dressed as Superman.  We participated again this year as one of the cars that kids come by for candy.  I decorated our car as a pumpkin patch.  It was cute, and Mia loved the pumpkins.  I had intended to walk around to all of the cars with Mia while Wesley handed out candy, but she got a big kick out of handing out the candy too.  We saw a lot of kids and teachers she knows from the daycare.  She would take off running to play every time she saw her friend, Reese.  We were all tired by the time it was over, but it was fun as always!
She was flying like an airplane.

 Mia with a handful of gum and ready to hand out candy.

 Passing out candy.
 Superman and Supergirl
  Having a good ol' time

 Flying around like Supergirl

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