Everyone who has had a baby that drinks formula knows that it is extremely expensive. Too bad I couldn't breastfeed since it's free. Anyway, I was browsing through baby stuff on Craig's List the other day and came across a posting of Similac formula for sale. Because that is what Mia drinks, I clicked on it. It was a pretty good deal, but the thought of buying formula online from a stranger made me uneasy. That is, until I thought about how it is packaged. The formula comes in a metal can that is sealed, and it can only be opened with a metal pull tab. The expiration date is stamped into the metal. Basically, it would be nearly impossible to tamper with the formula without it being obvious upon inspection. I read some of the postings, and the reasons for selling made sense. Of the two sellers I bought from, one of them bought several cans of formula then ended up with a baby that required a soy-based formula. The other seller's daughter had turned one year old before using all of her formula and is now on cow's milk. I ended up buying a total of nine cans of Similac between the two of them. The total I paid for them was $75. That seems like a lot until you consider what I usually pay for formula. I did the math, and if I bought the exact same cans at Wal-Mart, it would cost me $125. So, I saved 40% on formula. That's pretty significant I think. Our thinking is to use what we've bought and then buy more from Craig's List in bulk (so to speak) when our supply starts running low. Overall, we were pleased with how it turned out.
Okay, time for weekly food news. I realize that I probably offer more information on this subject than is necessary, but it performs an important function. This is basically Mia's food journal. I think it will be a great tool to use when baby #2 comes along. That's nowhere in the near future, but what can I say? I'm a planner. Anyway, Mia loved the avocados. I think she liked the creamy texture. I know I had mentioned pears, but I haven't bought any yet. I got to the store, and they had at least five different kinds of pears. I didn't know which one to choose, so we bought plums and a sugar pumpkin. The pumpkin was probably five or six pounds, so it was fairly small. We started her on pumpkin early this week, and she really likes it. I tried it, and it tastes a little like the butternut squash. She loves squash, so it makes sense. Today, we gave her plums for the first time. Those were a big hit. They are sweet, and I kind of liked them myself when I did a taste test. Wesley made the plum baby food all by himself. He did a great job! I still hope to get some pears this week. I guess we'll see.
Last night, we finally went out for Wesley and Jon's Father's Day dinner. Our two families are pretty busy with our little girls, but we really wanted to meet up and visit. Jon, Holly, and Harper came over, and we all went down to the West End in downtown Dallas to Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse to get the guys a steak dinner. It was kind of pricey, but I had bought a gift card for the restaurant through a promotion on my fave radio station and was able to buy it for half price. $50 gift certificate for $25. Man, I love a good deal! Holly and I split the cost for the gift certificate, so we both got a little off of our meals. We all had a good time (plus yummy food), and it was great to see the Haynes family again. Holly, we should definitely start thinking of another place to go!
Today, Mia and I took it easy while Daddy got some rest. After church, we changed clothes and headed to Kidd Springs Park. Mia and I walked around the pond a couple of times, and then we sat on a park bench to watch the ducks swimming. It was warmer than I had expected it to be, so we didn't stay out very long.
Wow, this might be my longest post yet.........
Happy New Year!
12 years ago
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