Friday, October 31, 2014

Dorothy and the Lion

At the fall kids' consignment sale I go to, I found a pair of ruby red slippers like Dorothy's in the Wizard of Oz.  Mia was excited about them and readily agreed that she wanted to be Dorothy for Halloween.  I wanted to dress them in coordinating costumes at least once before they get too old to humor me, so I ordered Quinn a lion costume.  Unlike the evening of the trunk or treat, tonight he decided that the mane was okay, and he wore it.  This was his first time to go trick or treating door to door, and we just went around our neighborhood.  We let Mia show him the ropes.  She was good about taking him up to each door and showing him what to do while Wes and I waited on the sidewalk.  We had told Mia that you only go up to houses that have their porch lights on.  At one house, nobody answered the door even though the light was on.  Mia didn't want to leave.  When we told her that we would just go to the next house, she said, "But their light is on, and I didn't get my candy yet!"  Quinn didn't know what to say to that, so he turned around to the kids behind him and exclaimed, "I a lion!"  They had a lot of fun and got a bunch of candy.  There were tons of kids out in costumes, and most of the houses were giving out candy.  I love that our neighborhood is so family-oriented!

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