Monday, August 16, 2010

Seeing Double

Mimi, Aunt Rachel, and Zoey came for a visit this weekend.  It was Zoey's first road trip.  We had fun shopping on Saturday, but we didn't last very long.  It was just too hot.  That's pretty bad when it's too hot to even shop.  We did, however, go to Babies R Us.  Mia got a new pair of Elmo house shoes that she seems to be fond of.  On Sunday, Mia stayed at the house with Mimi while Wesley and I went to Wal-Mart.  It's amazing how fast you can get in and out of Wal-Mart when you're not continuously retrieving sippy cups from the floor and saving the bread from getting squished.

Mia was much more interested in Zoey this time.  She did okay some of the time with Mom or I holding a baby other than her.  The first thing she did when we got home this afternoon was look around for Zoey saying, "baby? baby?"  We were able to use some of Mia's baby gear for Zoey this weekend.  Rach put Zoey in the baby swing which Zoey liked a lot, but Mia wanted to help her swing.  She was trying to swing it pretty hard, so we had to keep an eye on her.  Also, I gave Zoey a bath in Mia's little baby bathtub in the sink.  It's easier to give a bath standing up than bent over the bathtub. 
Zoey hanging out in Mia's crib

Modeling her Elmo slippers while she watches Zoey

Handing Zoey her pacifier
What a cutie pie!

Double vision.  Mia and Zoey wearing their matching outfits.  I foresee this happening often in their future because their mommas and Mimi think it's adorable!

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