Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Under the Weather

Mia had another "first" yesterday. She was sick, so we went for our first unscheduled doctor's visit due to illness. She's had a runny nose for several weeks, but then again who hasn't, right? However, the drainage has been worse the past few days, and she's developed a cough. I picked her up from daycare early yesterday because she was running a fever. I noticed she was making a wheezing sound, so these were all indicators to me to go see Dr. Curry. He said that it sounds like she has a virus, so he wanted to do a breathing treatment in the office. Afterwards, he thought she sounded a little better. He gave us our own nebulizer to do the treatments at home. We get to do those every 4-6 hours. Let me tell's no fun for any of us. I always want her to be happy, but some things are for her own good. I guess I had my own "first" when we gave her the breathing treatment this morning. It was the first time I have had to hold my child down for medical purposes. She kept batting away the nebulizer, so Wesley held it while I held her arms. It was not the most pleasant experience. After lunch, we get to do it again. She's also taking a liquid medicine twice a day. I'm hoping she will feel better by tomorrow, so that she can enjoy our time with family on the holiday.
This is about as happy as she's been today.
My sweet baby just doesn't feel well.
This is a "I want my mommy" face.
I've been holding her a lot today.

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