Sunday, January 6, 2013

Q at 4 Months Old

What with all of the festivities of Christmas and planning Mia's birthday party (that's in a couple of weeks), I have some back-blogging to do.  Quinn has changed a ton just in the last month.  He turned 4 months old yesterday.  He smiles ALL of the time.  Everyone who's around him for any amount of time comments on what a happy and content baby he is.  He's holding his head up like a pro and has even started spending a little time in his Bumbo chair.  He laughs and sometimes seems to be talking (well, babbling).  Nobody can make him smile as much as his big sister can.  He thinks she hung the moon.  She feels the same way about him.  Quinn has also started turning over a bit.  He goes from his back to his side, then takes a little break, and finally rolls on over to his tummy.  However, he hasn't quite figured out how to pull his arm out from under him yet.  He yells for assistance when that happens.  He likes to watch everything going on around him, especially if his sister is around.  Sometimes I have to ask her to go into the other room while he nurses.  If he thinks she's nearby, he will only want to turn his head around to look for her instead of finishing his meal.  I'm gonna make a bold statement and say that he's pretty much the cutest little boy I've ever seen.  In his 15 week picture, he's wearing pajamas that were mine as a baby.  I almost waited too long to let him wear them.  He's getting so tall that they were a tight fit.

Quinn at 15 weeks old

Q at 16 weeks old.  He wasn't too keen on sitting in the Bumbo that day.

Quinn at 17 weeks old.  Such a sweet boy!

Rolling over!

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