Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Good Life

Ah, the life of a three-year-old.  Does it get much easier?  Someone is always there to buy you new clothes, prepare all of your meals, bathe you, and kiss all of your boo-boos.  I don't mind doing those things for Mia in the least.  Seeing her flash that sweet smile at me gets me every time.  Some examples of how great it is to be three...
No matter what anyone says, you firmly believe that goldfish crackers taste better when eaten out of a teapot as you watch Dora the Explorer.

Waitresses offer you free ice cream when you go out to dinner.
You feel very grown up when you get to hold your own umbrella.

Nothing beats a popsicle on a hot summer day.
Pairing ice-skating cow pajamas with Minnie Mouse ears seems like a perfectly logical wardrobe selection.  The colors match.  What more is there to consider, right?

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