Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 Weeks

I'm now 30 weeks pregnant with this little boy.  I'm really feeling it, too.  Fatigue, overheated, aches, and pains...whew!  It's hard being pregnant in the summertime.  Only one (almost) snag so far.  I got a call from my doctor's office a couple of weeks ago that I had failed my one hour glucose test.  It hadn't even crossed my mind that that might happen because I passed that test with my first pregnancy with no problems.  I had to go back to my o.b.'s office for a three hour glucose test to make sure that I didn't have gestational diabetes.  Thankfully, I easily passed that one.  I would've been upset if I'd had to give up ice cream.  Speaking of my cravings and in relation to my last post about food, I ate biscuits and gravy for dinner last night.  Yum!
Mommy and Quinn at 30 weeks

Big sister hanging out with her baby doll, Ruby

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Unfortunately, Wes had to work today, so most of our Father's Day was spent without him.  It would be nice if he had regular work hours because we miss him when we're home without him.  We all had a pretty good weekend, though.  On Friday, we didn't have any idea what we wanted for dinner.  We just got in the car and started driving.  Finally, we ended up in Arlington at Zio's.  That's funny because the last time we ate there was for Mother's Day.  On Saturday, Wes had to work also, but he met us over at our friends' house after work because Mia and I were at a pool party.  Today Mia called him at work to tell him happy Father's Day.  We met up over at our other friends' house this evening for brisket.  It was a great weekend, but I wish we could have spent more of it with Wes.  He has a couple of weekends off coming up, and I'm really glad about that.  Happy Father's Day!  You're a great daddy, and we love you so much!


This post is a week late, but last Sunday Wes, Mia, and I went out to my dad's house to visit before we had to head back to Dallas.  Mia loves going out there to see the horses and cows.  She started out doing a puzzle with her Papaw but abandoned him halfway through it to go read a book with Nana Bev.  I had been dreaming of going swimming, and I knew that Mia wanted to also.  She and I as well as my brother Ryan got in the pool.  It was heavenly.  I felt light as a feather and just floated around the pool like a lizard sunning on a rock.  When I got out, my body felt so incredibly heavy.  Sometimes I wish we had a pool but then I remember that we'd have to clean and maintain it.  I'm really glad that Dad and Bev have one, though!

Before we had gone swimming, we were all standing in their kitchen talking.  Dad put his ear to my stomach and said, "Hey!" in his low, rumbling voice.  I guess it startled little Quinn because he suddenly kicked Dad in the head!  So funny!  I laughed out loud and so did Dad.  Dad called Quinn "Thumper" after that.  That might be a nickname that sticks for Q.  He's constantly moving.  Sometimes it feels like he's practicing ninja moves and other times I think he's pretending to be an octopus.  It's like all of his arms and legs are going at once!

"They call me Thumper!"

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wedding Bells

We went to Heavener this last weekend for Uncle Darvey and Aunt Kenda's wedding.  They got married on Saturday, June 9th in the same church that Wes and I were married in.  Being there for another wedding brought back lots of happy memories of my own special day.  Here we are over 6 1/2 years later living the life we dreamed of together with our Amelia and (soon) Quinn.

Mia just adores Kenda and wanted to follow her everywhere.  She would have been her little shadow if I'd have let her.  Mia was one of the flower girls, and she took her job very seriously.  She walked down the aisle ahead of Kenda very precisely dropping one flower petal at a time.  Um, perhaps I've passed on my anal retentive nature to my daughter.  It made me smile.  When she reached the front of the church, I was sitting on the front row (to direct her to her seat).  She looked at me dismayed and loudly said, "I still have some left!"  I told her it was okay, but she felt like her job wasn't done yet if she still had petals in the basket.  She turned around and walked back up the aisle.  Luckily, Kenda wasn't walking down yet.  My mom stopped Mia halfway down the aisle, but Mia was adamant that she must complete her flower girl duties.  She walked all of the way back to Kenda and began dropping petals again.  It was cute.  She finally made it back down to me and sat down. 

The ceremony was beautiful and special, but Mia's 3-year-old attention span quickly ran out.  She hadn't had lunch or a nap, so she was incredibly testy...and loud.  She kept shouting no, rolling on the ground, etc.  I finally had to take her out of the sanctuary.  Like any toddler, she puts on quite a show when she's tired and hungry.  Unfortunately, the stress of the situation was too much for my hormonal and pregnant self.  I may have just possibly had a mini meltdown in a back hallway of the church.  Thank goodness my amazing mother came to my rescue and assured me that Mia's behavior was no big deal.  I was so upset at the thought of Mia's behavior taking attention away from Darvey and Kenda's ceremony.  Usually, I think of myself as a "go with the flow" kind of mother.  Geez.  Stupid hormones. 

I pulled myself together, and we went to the reception.  It was beautiful and full of lots of people who love the bride and groom.  The smiles on their faces when they had their first dance as husband and wife was precious.  We're so happy to welcome Kenda to the family.  They are a great match for each other.

She got restless while getting her hair done, so she was watching Curious George and My Little Pony on my phone.
 Enjoying a snack before putting on her dress

 Mia and Nana's shoes
She loved the ribbons on her dress and wouldn't leave them alone.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hello Third Trimester!

I'm 28 weeks today which is the beginning of the third trimester of this pregnancy.  Time is going by quickly.  I've been moving pretty slowly lately, though.  I'm starting to get a little swelling in my legs.  This is due to being on my feet a lot during the day at work.  I work with a great group of people, though, and they are constantly telling me to sit down and rest.  That's an offer I can't hardly refuse.  I think some of the swelling also has to do with the fact that Quinn sits so low.  Mia was really high, so I didn't start swelling with her until later in that pregnancy.  My appetite is kicked into high gear as well.  I've wanted to eat breakfast food a lot with this pregnancy - specifically biscuits and gravy.  It just always sounds good, but I don't eat it too often.  Cereal has been another favorite.  Yum!  I've really been liking vanilla yogurt with fruit as well.  I like to add kiwi, mandarin oranges, you name it.  What I crave the most (although it's totally not nutritious) is ice cream.  I could seriously eat it every day, but I don't.  The other day I wanted a milkshake really bad, but it was getting late.  I looked out the window onto our front porch, and Wes asked me what I was doing.  I told him that I was checking to see if the Bluebell fairy had left me some ice cream on the porch.  Ha!  Being the sweet husband that he is, he just put his shoes on and went to get me a milkshake.  He's a keeper!

Mommy and Quinn at 28 weeks

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Good Life

Ah, the life of a three-year-old.  Does it get much easier?  Someone is always there to buy you new clothes, prepare all of your meals, bathe you, and kiss all of your boo-boos.  I don't mind doing those things for Mia in the least.  Seeing her flash that sweet smile at me gets me every time.  Some examples of how great it is to be three...
No matter what anyone says, you firmly believe that goldfish crackers taste better when eaten out of a teapot as you watch Dora the Explorer.

Waitresses offer you free ice cream when you go out to dinner.
You feel very grown up when you get to hold your own umbrella.

Nothing beats a popsicle on a hot summer day.
Pairing ice-skating cow pajamas with Minnie Mouse ears seems like a perfectly logical wardrobe selection.  The colors match.  What more is there to consider, right?