Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snow and T-shirt Weather

Wednesday Mia and I had another snow day.  I didn't really expect the weather to be bad enough to warrant a day off from work and daycare, but we had a layer of snow and ice on the roads that morning.  We were pretty laid back because the temperatures stayed below freezing for a couple of days.  On the other hand, you have today when temperatures got up into the 70s.  That's Texas weather for you.  Mia and I have been enjoying pink eye, so I wanted to get out of the house this afternoon.  We went to our neighborhood park and discovered a new playground tucked at the back of the park.  We haven't been to that park in a few months due to the cold weather.  It was a nice surprise, and Mia had fun playing on the playground and watching the ducks in the pond.

Mia has been having a visitor at her bedroom window lately.  A bird likes to come peck on the window in the mornings.  I guess it's trying to attack its reflection.  On our snow day morning Wednesday, I woke up to Mia talking over the baby monitor.  She was saying, "No! Stop it bird! No! Mia's room! MOMMY!"  It was a funny thing to wake up to Mia trying to tattle on the bird.

Mia is now talking about herself by using both her first and last names.  If you begin any sentence with "Are you...", she replies, "No! Mia McGee!"  The other day she was crawling all over me.  When she finally got settled, I asked her, "Well, are you comfortable?"  She pointed to herself and said, "No Mommy. Mia McGee!" Silly goose.
Fun at the park

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