Thursday, November 18, 2010

Giving Thanks

Mia's daycare had a Thanksgiving program today.  I left work to go to it and then stayed for lunch.  The program included all of the kids from the infants through the preschool, so they had to have the program in the chapel.  This was the daycare's first Thanksgiving program, and they did a great job.  They made all of the scenery and costumes out of paper.  It's amazing what those ladies can do on a budget.  They made the kids into pilgrims, indians, pumpkins, and turkeys.  The toddlers all wore pumpkin costumes.  Mia's class sang a song about pumpkins, but most of them didn't sing.  I guess there were too many parents watching them.  They all got the "deer in the headlights" look.  The older kids did great.  After the program, we went back to Mia's classroom for lunch.  The toddlers are too little for the big kid tables, so they had their Thanksgiving meal in their classroom instead of with the older kids.  It was a yummy lunch, and the kids all got a slice of pumpkin pie.  That was a big hit.  After lunch, the teachers sang the pumpkin song again with the kids.  Without the big audience, they weren't overwhelmed, so they sang and did all of the hand motions.  It was adorable, and Mia was a great pumpkin.  The teachers sent the pumpkin costumes home with the kids.  I was glad because Wesley had to work and couldn't be there for the program.  After her bath, I put on her new fleece pjs.  They looked pretty hilarious because they were huge.  Mia didn't care, so I didn't worry about it.  I put her pumpkin costume on so that her daddy could see her in it.  It was really hard to get pictures at the program, but I wound up with a few.
Mia talking to Ms. Eva
Mia is the second pumpkin from the right.
They all kind of look the same, don't they?
  My little pumpkin
 Chowing down on her Thanksgiving lunch
Showing Daddy her costume

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