Sunday, August 2, 2009

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Mia's 6 month checkup with Dr. Curry went very well. She weighed 15 lb. 11 oz. and was 26 1/4 inches long. As far as percentiles go, she was a little taller and weighed a little less than average. She didn't double her birth weight (8lb. 8oz.), but Dr. Curry was very pleased with her size because of her difficulty gaining weight her first few months. She still spits up when she has a bottle, but she hardly spits up at all if she is spoon fed. She spit up all over the exam table before the doctor came in. That's my girl! No big deal. He just removed that paper and spread some more out. Shots went better this time, too. Not too much crying, and I had a bottle ready. Her next checkup will be at nine months in October.

We went for 6 month pictures yesterday. Mia did so well! She let the photographer and I move her around wherever we wanted, and she gave us beautiful smiles. There was a little girl in the studio who was about four years old who was getting her pictures taken as well. She kept leaving her mom and coming in the room where Mia was having her pictures taken. She would plop down on the floor beside the photographer, point at Mia, and say, "Baby!" It was really cute.

We bought a food processor yesterday to start making Mia's baby food. I also bought some sweet potatoes and bananas. We're going to start with sweet potatoes. I'll post about that after I've attempted to make it.

Mia at 27 weeks (6 months)

One of Mia's pics from yesterday.
Here are a few pictures from Saturday.
I was in a picture-taking mood after we left the portrait studio.

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