Thursday, April 25, 2013

Funny Mia-isms

Mia says the funniest things sometimes.  I try to jot them down so that I'll remember to put them on here.  I've compiled a list of a few and wanted to share!  Some of these are from a few months ago.

Mia was trying to tell me something and kept repeating "Um.." over and over.  I told her, "Spit it out!"  She replied, "There's nothing in my mouth!  See?  Ahhh!!"

While trying to put her hair into a ponytail, there was a bump.  As I was trying to comb it, Mia said, "Why are you fixing my hair again?"  I replied, "Because there is a bump in it."  Mia said, "A bump in my hair?  Well, that's just the way God made me." (That one cracks me up!)

When Mia's class was learning the letter W, she and I were saying words that start with that letter one morning on the way to school.  I guess she had learned that the word "woman" started with it.  This prompted her to ask, "Momma, am I a little woman?"  I told her that she was a little girl, but she didn't like that answer.  "No, I'm not!  I'm a little woman!"  Very well, dear girl, you can win that argument.

Quinn was being loud in his jumper while she was watching tv.  He began crying, so I started to go get him.  From the couch, with her little feet dangling over the edge, Mia was saying, "It's okay Quinn.  Take a deeeeeep breath....Let it out."  She's so funny.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hippity Hoppity

Mia and Quinn had a great Easter.  Nana and Keith came down to see them, so they were excited.  Mia waited and waited for them all day Saturday saying (over and over), "Where's Nana?  I want my Nana."  She had a ball while they were here.  Quinn loved it too and babbled and giggled lots.  They both got new Easter baskets with their names on them.  Mia enjoyed looking at all of her Easter goodies.  Wesley let me sleep in a little, but Mia wanted to show me some of her stuff that morning.  She came in our room and woke me up so that I could see her in her full pink and purple superhero regalia.

We have been needing to treat the yard for ants this spring.  I've told Mia to stay away from them, but she's fascinated by bugs.  Apparently, she poked an ant hill with a stick on Sunday morning.  By the time I got outside, she was like a wild animal hollering and flailing around while Carol Ann and Keith tried to wash her feet off.  With the way she was carrying on, I was worried that she had been bitten several times.  After cleaning her up, I could only locate one bite on her elbow and one on her foot.

We went to the park so that Mia could hunt for Easter eggs.  She loved looking for them (and hiding them for Nana to find).  However, she was very skittish every time she saw any ants.  A lone ant would walk by on the sidewalk, and she'd jump back three feet exclaiming, "An ant! An ant!" like it was going to attack her.  I told her that if she would leave them alone, they wouldn't bother her.  She settled down a bit and enjoyed hunting for eggs.  At least, she was fine until she stepped on another ant hill, and they came swarming out in full force.  She screamed so much that it sounded like she'd lost her mind.  She did not get bitten that time, though.  Poor girl.  She was a little traumatized.  She pulled herself together, though, and played on the playground a bit before we left.

While she was looking for eggs, I had to sit on a bench to nurse Quinn.  I try to be discreet when nursing in public, but there's one obstacle.  Quinn hates being under the nursing cover.  HATES IT.  He'll fight with it the whole time trying to move it so that he can see.  I probably look like I'm wrestling with him as he nurses.  Haha!  Silly baby.  Wesley tried to help me stay (mostly) covered since I was struggling. ;)