Monday, January 30, 2012

New Hiding Place

Mia got suspiciously quiet last night.  When we called her name, the dryer door swung open and her smiling little face peeked out. 
We had to explain that the dryer is not a good place to hide.

I've been feeling fairly well with Baby #2 so far.  I haven't been having the headaches and dizziness like I had with Mia, but I'm not sure when that started with her.  It could still happen I guess.  My main two complaints are nausea and fatigue.  I'm sooo tired a lot of the time.  The main food I've been avoiding is chicken.  With Mia, it was worse.  I didn't want to eat any kind of meat for the first three months.  I try to incorporate fruits and veggies whenever I can, but carbs are definitely a weakness since they calm my stomach.  It will be interesting to see how this pregnancy is similar as well as different from my first one.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

More Pictures

Here are some of the pictures Julie took in the Bishop Arts District.
Mia at the Texas Theater
 Here's a couple of Mia taunting the camera and making a Shhh! sound.  She wasn't ready to tell the secret that Mommy has a baby on the way.

Precious Pictures

My friend, Julie, took Mia's 3-year-old pictures a couple of weeks ago.  We did them right here in Oak Cliff.  She took Mia's pictures at Founder's Park, Bishop Arts District, and the Texas Theater.  They turned out amazing.  They are my favorites of any professional pictures I've had taken of Mia.  I don't know how I'll choose which ones to get printed.  I love them all!  These are from Founder's Park.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Sweet Girl Turns 3

Today is Mia's third birthday.  I guess I should just accept that I'll get all nostalgic on this day every year.  I think about the day she was born, her 1st birthday, and her 2nd birthday.  Of her three years of life so far, I think this last year from 2 to 3 years old has amazed me the most.  She was still my baby at 2 years old, but now that she's 3, I have to concede that she's a big girl.  She means so much to me.  First, I was blessed with her daddy and then her.  I wasn't sure that it could get any better, but now she'll have a little brother or sister, too.  She now knows that there is a baby in my belly, but I'm not sure if she quite believes it yet.  She said last night that she wants to name her little sister "Magic".  I don't know why she thinks that it's a girl.  After work, I picked her up and we went to Sonic to get some ice cream.  We always make her wait until after dinner to get dessert.  She seemed excited and said, "I don't have to eat dinner?"  We scarfed down our ice cream when we got home, and now she's watching Open Season.  I had to change her shirt though because there's no way she can eat ice cream without getting it all over herself!
Had to run into the living room first thing this morning and start playing with some of her birthday presents...
 Mia's birthday lunch complete with some leftover birthday cake!
 She loves the gift that Wesley and I got her.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Guess What?

Mia is going to be a big sister!!!!!!!

I wanted to wait until after her birthday party to announce it because I wanted to tell my mom in person.  I'd actually hoped to tell a lot of our family at once but not everyone was able to come.  It was so funny how the news came out.  I had bought Mia a t-shirt that says, "Big Sister In Charge".  I put it in a gift bag as one of her birthday presents.  When we were getting ready to load everything into the car and go to her party, Mia said, "Mommy, can I please open one of my presents?"  It was like we had scripted it or something.  I told her sure and handed her that gift to open.  My mom, Rachel, Zoey, Shayna, and Kaylee were all with us (Wesley included) in the living room since we were about to leave.  Mia opened it up and held it up in front of her.  I told her to show Mimi her shirt.  When Mom read it, she started crying and said, "You always do that to me!"  Haha!  I loved it!  I love pulling one over on my mom.  I surprised both of my parents when we told them we were pregnant with Mia, too.  You can read that post here.  Everyone is really happy.

I should also put on here how I told Wes because, of course, he found out before anyone else.  I didn't think I was pregnant, but in order to stop wondering if I was, I took a pregnancy test.  I guess I shouldn't have been shocked when the digital readout said pregnant but I was still surprised.  Wes didn't even know I was taking the test, so I snuck the camera into the bathroom and took a picture (of the display portion only!) of the test.  I loaded the picture onto our computer and set it as the image for our desktop.  I then pulled up the Internet and pretended to be frustrated.  I asked him to come check iTunes and see if he could figure out why a certain album I'd bought wasn't downloading.  I sat down on the couch, and he went to look at it.  He said, "I just bought you that Adele album.  What are you downloading now?"  When he sat down at the computer, he said, "You don't even have iTunes pulled up!"  That's when he minimized the screen and saw the picture of the test on the desktop.  His head snapped up and with a startled expression on his face, he said, "Hey!  You tricked me!"  It was awesome!  We're both really excited.  My due date is September 5th.  I hope this pregnancy goes as well as when I was pregnant with Mia.  So far, so good.  :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mia's 3rd Birthday Party

Yesterday was Mia's birthday party at Oil and Cotton here in Oak Cliff.  Oil and Cotton is an art studio where they offer art classes as well as a space to have parties.  Many of Mia's friends came to the party.  Including Mia, there were 14 kids!  Mimi, Aunt Rachel, Zoey, Shayna, and Kaylee were there as well.  I went with a ballerina theme because Mia loves to twirl and dance in her tutus.  She has at least half a dozen of them (if not more).  I tried not to go too overboard with the girly stuff since I knew we would be having some boys at the party.  I paired aqua with a light pink to even it out a little.  I absolutely love planning Mia's birthday parties.  It only comes once a year, so I really try to have fun with it and do things I think she will enjoy.  The ladies at Oil and Cotton led the kids in making paintings.  It was fun to see how each child's painting turned out.  We had the usual snacks, cake, ice cream, and presents.  It was a really wonderful day, and I'm so glad that Mia's friends were there to celebrate her birthday.
Dessert table

Birthday cake
  Oreo pops: a little more difficult to make than I had anticipated, but they turned out so cute!!
 Time to paint!

 Blowing out the candles


Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Junior!

When I went to pick Mia up from daycare today, she had a hat on with Martin Luther King, Jr. on it.  She said, "Look at my hat, Mommy!  It's Junior's birthday!"  It took me a second to read the hat and realize she was talking about MLK. 

Wes and Mia went on a daddy/daughter date last night.  PeeWee's Big Adventure is playing at the Texas Theater here in Oak Cliff.  That's right, the same one where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested.  They like to show older movies usually.  Mia has watched clips of PeeWee on Wesley's phone and really likes the show.  It was Mia's very first movie theater experience.  After they bought their tickets, Wes asked Mia if she wanted some popcorn.  Of course, she said yes.  As they were waiting in line to get the popcorn, Wes said that Mia told him, "I like you Daddy.  You're nice to me and buy me popcorn."  Melt my heart!  I'll bet he'd take her to a movie again in a second after hearing that.  Wes said she did great during the movie.  She just sat quietly and ate her popcorn.  She didn't even ask to go to the restroom.  He said towards the end she was getting a little restless and climbed into his lap.  She was excited when she got home.  She was very animated as she told me about the movie.  She's ready to go to another one I think!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day at the Museum

Wes and I took Mia to the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science yesterday.  There were lots of fun things to look at, and most of them were interactive.  Mia could hear the giant nose sneezing no matter where we were in the museum.  She would say, "It sneezed again!  Bless you!"  She cracked me up in the area that showed different body functions.  She really wanted to press the button to make the guy vomit.  Haha!  The lower floor of the museum is set up entirely as a children's museum.  They had a farm, a periscope, a water table, a fire engine, a play house, a fake backyard, etc.  We loved it, but we ran out of time before we made it to the "Nature" portion.  We'll save that for next time.
Making giant bubbles
 Trying on a hazmat suit
She really liked this one

  She said she was "making a castle" with the Legos