Today Mia turned 9 months old! I'm happy to report that she now has her first tooth coming in. It's just breaking through the gums, but you can see it. It is on the bottom and in the middle. She likes to lunge at things and bite them, so everybody watch your fingers from now on. At least we have a way now to pop the tops off of old soda bottles. Just get Lil Chopper. She'll get the job done! She has been chewing on anything she can find. Blankets seem to be a favorite to chew on.
Mia is crawling all over the place. I'm curious about how fast she could go on carpet because she really gets going on our wood floors. Because it's getting colder now, she usually has on pants and socks which makes for slippery progress. She's figured it out, though. She gets those little legs going and just lights on out of there. Sometimes she takes stuff with her when she crawls. If she is on a blanket or has a toy in her lap, they tend to get tangled in her legs when she takes off. There might be a blanket trailing behind her or a rattle being pushed ahead of her by her knees. She also pulls up on anything she can. When she gets home from daycare, her socks are always dirty. What happened to all of her crisp, white socks? Oh well. At least they come clean when washed.
Food news: We started Mia on mango this evening. Because it is a tropical fruit, there is an increased risk of an allergic reaction. For this reason, those fruits are not recommended until a baby is at least 8 months old. Mia wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but she ate it all. Her nine month appointment with Dr. Curry is tomorrow. My understanding is that she is old enough for baby yogurt now. If Dr. Curry gives the go-ahead for dairy, I might try mixing the mango with vanilla yogurt to tone it down a bit. We also bought her some kiwi to try. For new vegetables, we bought eggplant and parsnips. I've never heard anyone say, "Wow, I love parsnips!" However, they are on the list of Stage 2 vegetables, so we will see if she likes them. I don't think I even know what an eggplant tastes like (or parsnips for that matter). It will be a new experience for all of us. I know that it will become more difficult to get her to eat certain vegetables as she gets older unless we eat them, too. Boy, I hope we like eggplant!
I took Mia to get her nine month pictures on Saturday. She did really well except that we had an issue we haven't had before. She kept crawling toward me instead of staying how the photographer posed her. She was in a good mood, though, and took some really cute pictures. She became fast buddies with a little 5 or 6 year old boy who was also waiting to get his pictures taken. He would talk to her, and she would smile really big at him. At one point, I turned to get something from the diaper bag. In the two seconds it took for me to look back up, the boy had wrapped his arms around Mia and was trying to pick her up. He was sorely disappointed when his mother and I did not allow him to do it.
Due to Mia's ability to pull up now, Wesley lowered the mattress on her crib this evening. I must say that Mia was not too happy about it. She loved that when she stood up, she could lean over the railing. Now, she can just barely peak her head over. I was worried that she would tumble out of the crib, so I feel a lot better about her sleeping in there now.
Mia at 39 weeks (9 months old)
A multiple use item: bib and...teether?
Close-up of Mia's first tooth