Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3 Month Milestone

I enjoyed creating my last posting so much, I think I'll try another one. As you can see by the new background, I went a little overboard. You'd never know that I loathed the color pink as a child. I remember being seven years old and refusing to wear the shoes my mom bought me because they were pink. However, since Mia came along, it seems like there is pink everywhere in our house, and I like it! Mia turned 3 months old on Saturday. Where does the time go? I try to savor every moment with her, even as she keeps growing before my eyes. We took Mia to get her three month pictures on Saturday. She looked adorable except for the fact that she screamed pretty much the whole time. Needless to say, we are going to try again this Saturday. I think she needed a longer nap that day. She let me take some pictures at home, though. Here is one of them as well as a twelve week picture from last weekend.

Mia at 12 weeks

Here is Mia Saturday morning before the attempt at the portrait studio at 3 months old (13 weeks old actually). Sorry this picture is off-center. I was trying to make Mia laugh, so the camera was moving. In case you can't see them, those are popsicles on her shirt...so cute!

I just love these pjs because there are ladybugs on the feet! They're a little big, but oh well.

Mia's personality has really started to develop. She has things she loves and others that she doesn't. Her musical preferences vary quite a bit, but that's probably because Wesley and I listen to all kinds of different music. Some of her current faves are "Walking After Midnight" by Patsy Cline, "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillet, and Amazing Grace. I decide if she likes them based on whether she stops crying when I sing them. It's quite the scientific method, ha!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Okay, Wesley usually does the posts here, but I'm going to give it a try. We've been taking so many pictures of Mia that it can be hard for one person to keep up with it all. Mia had a busy Easter weekend. Grammy, Pawpaw, and Aunt Rachel came down from Oklahoma for the weekend to visit. We went shopping and to the Dallas World Aquarium downtown. It was Mia's first time in the baby carrier, and she seemed to like it fairly well as long as I didn't stay in one spot for too long. She liked to keep moving. The Easter bunny also came to visit Mia today. Too bad she doesn't have any teeth yet. Oh well, Mom and Dad will be happy to take care of the candy for her! I took her to have some Easter pictures done a couple of weeks ago. She did really well with all of the posing. Her dress and bloomers were too big, though. The bloomers kept falling down around her knees, so I finally took them off. From a distance, her diaper just looks like white bloomers anyway.

Mia liked the flamingos at the aquarium. They made a lot of noise, and she was fascinated.
Here is Mia at 11 weeks old with all of her Easter goodies from Nanny and Papa, Grammy and Pawpaw, and the Easter bunny.
Some of Mia's Easter pictures taken at 9 weeks old.
We fell behind posting a 10 week picture, so here is Mia with a big ol' grin last weekend.
I hope everyone had a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Party Like It's 2009

Saturday, the three of us drove over to Keller to visit our friends Jon and Holly. Their daughter Harper was celebrating her first birthday, so we all got together for a party with burgers, hot dogs, cup cakes, and cool beverages. The weather was nice and it was fun being out with other people, rather than being cooped up in the house on a Saturday afternoon.

Here's Mia and Harper. Harper likes babies, so she paid a lot of attention to Mia. Everyone thought Harper looked very cute sporting her new Dallas Stars sweater. We bought it kinda large so she can grow into it. Can't wait to get Mia one so Jon and I can take those two to their first hockey contest.

Holly was able to get a big grin out of Mia for this photo. It made me laugh, so I thought I would post it.

That's all for now. It was a fun party, and the Hanes Family were great hosts.