There will be a baby shower for Jessica this Saturday, December 6th, at 2 p.m. The shower will be held in the community center at the Heavener Runestone State Park. Hope you all can make it.
In other news, the baby is starting to move quite a bit. I felt her kick for the first time a few days ago, and it was pretty rad. The past few weeks have been pretty hectic. Jessica and I have been going to Lamaze classes, and we've been trying to get ready for the holidays. I will be working on Christmas, so it's doubtful I will get to see any of you this season. I think we are going to spend Christmas in Dallas this year with my mom and brother possibly coming to town.
In about two hours and fifteen minutes, it's going to be December. This year has almost passed us by. Mia will be here before we know it!
Take care everybody, and if I don't see you, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you guys get everything you want and no switches in your stockings.
With Christmas almost on us, I think you know what it's time for.
Yeah, I think you do.
Happy New Year!
12 years ago